Sweet Creature

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*PLAY SONG WHEN DIRECTED! Then keep repeating the song for full effect*

*Not my imagine! Credit goes to its original owner: @vintagedolan on tumblr

Summary: Ethan hates when he has to leave you for even a few days, so when he gets back, he has a little surprise planned


You were not going to make another trip. You slid the last grocery bag onto your arm, ignoring how they were digging into your skin as you started your walk into the house. If anyone had watched you try to navigate your way in the door, it probably would have been quite the sight. Luckily, you succeeded and emerged into an empty kitchen, heaving the heavy bags up onto the counter.

Usually you would yell down the hall, summon the boys to help you unpack. But it would be futile - no one was home. Not even Sterling was around. The three of them were off on Wakeheart business at the factory in Arizona, where everything was produced so they could approve all the candle production.

You had gotten a few pictures from the trip filled with bright colorful sunsets, Grayson and Sterling smiling from across the table at breakfast. Your favorites were the stupid little selfies Ethan kept sending. Your phone buzzed in your pocket as if on cue.

Another snapchat message from Ethan. This time of him with a metal straw trapped between his teeth and big smile on his face. Adorable, as always.

"cold brew mood. miss you x" was the caption that flitted across the screen. You screenshotted it just in time. The next buzz was a text from him.

Eteeweetee: ☹️

Eteeweetee: Why'd you screenshot

You: Cause you looked cute

Eteeweetee: Send me one back! I miss youuuu!

You rolled your eyes at that, deciding to make him wait for a minute while you started to put the groceries away. You'd only unpacked two bags before your phone buzzed again.

Eteeweetee: Hey! Show me your face!

You: Omg gimme a minute 😂 I'm putting away the obscene amount of oat milk I just bought


You: Yep. I bought three cartons

Eteeweetee: Holy shit, I love you!

Eteeweetee: Gray says he loves you too, but I love you more ❤️

You sent him a quick snapchat to appease him, unsurprised when you got the notification that he screenshotted it. He always got like this when he was away. More clingy than usual, constantly wanting to communicate with you somehow. You had to admit, you loved the idea that you were always on his mind when he wasn't with you, even if it did mean you felt like you were constantly on your phone.

Eteeweetee: What else are you doing today?

You: Idk might lay out by the pool for a while

Eteeweetee: Without me? 😔

Eteeweetee: You should go shopping

You frowned at your phone, looking at the few boxes of pasta you had left to put away before you typed back with a huff.

You: I literally just got back from the grocery store, what do you mean?

Eteeweetee: Not that kind of shopping. I mean fun shopping, like for clothes.

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