Never Gave Up

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NOT MINE! Full credit to @heydolanss on Wattpad and edited by me.

This is gonna be a cute one...


It was a great day! The sun was shining, flowers were blooming, and everyone was having fun. The only thing that annoyed me was that my husband, Ethan, had to work today. I wanted us and our five-year-old son, Dylan, to go to the zoo together. Ethan works at the local fire department and works the night shift part time and is a stay-at-home dad during the day.

"Please be careful, baby." I said.

When am I not?" Ethan jokes.

"Dylan and I are gonna head out now. I'll see you when we get back home." I kissed him and Dylan and I were headed out the door. Ethan waved 'goodbye' as we pulled out of the driveway.


Me and Dylan arrived at the zoo with our day-free passes. I took my son towards the lions and tigers. He pressed his face to the glass and I laughed at his actions.

We both got hungry after a while and decided to get some food. Dylan wanted chicken nuggets with applesauce and I got a salad and a Snapple iced tea. While we were eating, an 'unknown number' started calling me.

"Hello?" I said hesitantly.

"Hi, ma'am. Is this Y/n Dolan?" They asked.

"Yes, this is she. Can I help you?" I questioned.

"Can you come down to Chino Valley Hospital? It's urgent." They requested.

"Oh my god! I'm on my way right now!" I picked up Dylan and swiftly exited the zoo. I found my car, bucked Dylan in his seat, and sped to the hospital. There's so many possibilities running through my head. Both my parents aren't doing well. My mom has a pace-maker and my dad is on life support. Ethan's parents are hanging in there. Since my dad is already at the hospital, I immediately think he's the reason that person contacted me.

We arrived at the hospital and I ran in with Dylan by my side. Name?" The receptionist asked.

"Y/n Dolan." I barely go out.

"Yes your-"

"Is it my dad? I should've been there more for him and my mom." I started to cry.

"No. It's your husband, Ethan Dolan."


"He's in a coma right now."

"How did this happen?!" I yell.

"We called him in for an emergency case. A fire was happening a few blocks away from the station." I heard a familiar voice. It was Ethan's co-worker, Luke.

"How did he end up here?" Dylan tugged on my shirt.

"Mommy, what's going on?" Dylan asked in the most innocent voice, making my heart break.

"I don't know yet. How about you go sit in that chair and play with your fire truck."

"Okay, mommy." He ran off smiling and played with his truck.

"What happened, Luke?" I asked.

"A family's house burned down. Some teenagers were smoking and one of the cigarettes wasn't fully put out. The smoke from the cigarette burnt the grass and trailed to the house. We got the parents and their two kids out of the house. The youngest child said they left the dog in the crate and Ethan thought he'd have enough time to save it. The house collapsed and Ethan got trapped. We found him in under five minutes, but by then he was knocked out cold. The ambulance gave him oxygen and brought him here. Then we called you, and here we are." Luke explained. Putting others before himself. That's Ethan.

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