Your Daughter Starts Her Period

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Credits to @giggling-grayson on Tumblr and edited by me.

Warning: none


Ethan had not been so calm, cool, and collected.

"Hey, uhh dad?" Lorelai asked.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked seeing the concern on his daughter's face.

"I'm bleeding," she said.

"From where? I don't see anything" he said. "From my uhh, yeah" she stuttered and he figured it out.


"Daddy, don't yell" she'd say as she began crying. Lorelai was the biggest daddy's girl you would ever meet but this scared her. Ethan NEVER yelled at her. She had her dad wrapped around her finger ever since the day she was born. Ethan would feel awful for scaring her and making her feel bad.

"Oh no, Lorelai" he'd coo hugging her immediately. "I'm not mad at you. You didn't do anything wrong. You're just young and when you get your period, it means you're turning into a woman and that absolutely terrifies your poor dad. I'm not very good with this kind of stuff. Your mom is, your aunt is, hell even your uncle Gray is. I overreacted and I'm sorry, ok?" he'd apologized and she'd nod into his chest with tears still running down her face.

"I'll go check to see if mom has anything and you go hang out in the bathroom" he suggested as they headed their separate ways.

A few minutes later, he was rummaging around before he found a full box of pads with a sticky note "For Lorelai's 1st period". Ethan was in absolute awe of his wife and how she had this already planned out as their daughter was only 11, which was still a little too young for a period but not too early.

Ethan went back to the bathroom to see his daughter sitting on the edge of the tub.

"I'll go get you some jammies while you take care of this," he said.

"Dad?" Lorelai pondered.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"I don't know how to do this, mom never showed me" she admitted. Ethan died a little on the inside. His face falling and turning pale.

"Well fuck" he sighed as he wracked his brain for a better answer.

"How about this we will figure it out then you can do it on your own once we find out, alright?" he suggested and she nodded. They opened the box of pads and pulled one out. "I think I remember seeing your mom use one of these back in the day" he admitted. "Gross" Lorelai said as Ethan chuckled.

He opened the small, multicolored packaging. A small cotton strip lay in his hand as he pulled it off of the plastic.

"It's sticky so I'm guessing this goes on your underwear then you pull this off and these little wings come out to attach to the side for extra support. Not too scary right?" he asked his daughter.

"Dad, I think you were more scared than I was" she joked.

"You're probably right. You do all of this and hopefully your mom will be back soon for any other questions" he said. "Good because you aren't very good at this" she giggled.

"Well thanks, kiddo," Ethan said as he side hugged his daughter before he left her in the bathroom to handle her business.

Hope you guys like this one. Thank you guys for sticking around and until next time...


Ethan Dolan fanficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora