Chapter 41: United, we can (Probably)

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"What is this place?" Torin questioned

"It's a secret."

"That's not a good answer."

"It's the only one you're getting."

We walked up the small set of stairs to the door of the cabin.

"Is this a trap?" He asked skeptically.

I looked back at him while attempting to open the door. "If I were going to trap you, I would've done it in the woods. Ugh! and this door is stuck."

"Is it locked?"


"If I were you, I'd lock all the doors and bolt the windows. People will be coming after you once they find out who you killed."

"I'm not worried. This place isn't mine. And it's not locked. Just jammed."

I heard him sigh as I continued to throw myself against the door. "Here. Let me." He shoved me out of the way and kicked the door open, practically sending it flying off its hinges.

I mumbled a "Thanks" as I trudged past him into the cabin.

My eyes widened when I got inside. The place was a wreck. cupboards were broken, practically every piece of furniture was knocked over or out of place, and the floor had a mixture of food, water, and blood on it.

"What. Happened." I whispered into the wreckage.

"Geez. You live in a pigsty."

"I told you, this isn't my place." I snapped, "And it doesn't usually look like this.."

I wish I had a phone.. Though it wouldn't do me any good. I don't have Lucas' number.

I moved further into the cabin, slightly cautious and slightly stunned. There wasn't much looking around to do. It was small enough you could see it all from the entry.

"Looks like there was quite the fight. Is this where you usually bring your victims? Hope I'm not next." He said while studying the dirty floor. I shot him a look and turned my attention to the living room where the fight appeared to have started.

"Where did you meet Lucas? I mean, when he told you to get me. Where were you?"

"You mean 'L'? I- didn't meet him. I was at home. He texted me."

"You have his number?"

"Y-yeah. does he have something to do with this?" He gestured to the room that looked like a cyclone hit it.

"I don't know. I need to call him." I extended my hand for him to give me his phone

"Uh-uh." He tutted, "I'll call him." He pulled out his phone and scrolled to find his contact, he seemed to hesitate once he'd found it. "But why not just send a text?"

I looked at him, a bit confused. "Just. Call him. It's not that complicated."

"Maybe for you. You seem to know him. Or maybe you don't know him at all."

"what are you talking about?" I began to loose my patience.

"Oh, never mind. I'll call him, I'll call him. You've obviously been doing this longer than I have." He muttered these nonsensical things as he hit dial and the phone started to ring. Not just his phone. There was a ringing coming from behind one of the chairs. We looked at each other and both rushed toward it. I got there first and practically dove for the phone. "Is this your number?" I showed him the screen.

"Yeah." He hung up and the phone in my hand stopped ringing.

"This can't be good."

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