The walk there takes us about 10 minutes. We hold hands the whole way there. We finally reach a two story house. It's located on the middle of the street with more two story houses directly on either side. It's a light blue house with dark blue trimmings. There's a large tree in the front yard and beautiful rose bushes. It's so much nicer than my house. Mine is an ugly yellow with green trimmings. Especially the yard. The rose bush at my house is as dead as my grass. But this houses yard looks like something you see in a magazine. 

"Wow. Your yard is amazing," I tell Roman. 

"Thanks. My dad loves working on it and my mom adores her roses. You should see the back yard. My dad has a garden back there. We even have our own plum tree," he explains as we walk up the pathway. We get to the front door and he unlocks it. The two of us walk inside. The house is really nice. As soon as you walk in your greeted with an open living room area. There's two couches and a big TV. As I look further in, behind one of the couches I can see a dining room table and a china cabinet.

"Mom? Dad?" Roman calls out. "Fair warning. My mom is a hugger. I hope that's okay," he tells me. 

"I'm fine as long as I see it coming," I remind him. Just as I say that I focus on the souls around me. I see two souls. One upstairs and one in the backyard. We walk further in and I'm greeted by the bottom of the staircase. 

"Wonder where they are?" Roman mutters to himself. 

"Someone's upstairs," I say without thinking. He turns to look at me but doesn't get the chance to say anything because we hear a door open upstairs. 

"Princey? Is that you?" A soft female voice calls out. 

"Yeah mom," Roman says softly. 

"Princey?" I question. He gets all flustered and explains the nickname to me. Apparently he wanted nothing more than to be a prince when he was younger. He says he went by Prince or Prince Roman for months when he turned seven. He'd only dress in his princely costumes until he turned nine. 

"The nickname kind of stuck after that," he says as his mom reaches the bottom of the stairs. I smile when I think of a tiny Roman running around pretending to be a valiant prince or something like that.

"Hello. I'm Elizabeth. Roman's mother," the woman says with a bright smile. She pulls me into a hug which I return. Her brown hair reaches her shoulders and she's a little shorter than me. She's quite beautiful. 

"I'm Virgil, Roman's boyfriend. It's nice to meet you," I tell her. She pulls away and smiles at me. 

"My husband would love to meet you. Follow me," she says. I follow her towards the back of the house with Roman right behind. We briefly walk into the dining room before turning into the kitchen. In the kitchen is a sliding glass door leading into what I assume is the back yard. Through the glass I can already see the owner of the second soul I sensed. It's a man with black hair and a nice face. He's really handsome. 

"Honey! Come inside. Roman's boyfriend is here," Elizabeth says excitedly. The man looks up with a smile and stands up from his spot in the garden. The man is pretty tall. I can't get over the fact that Roman's parents are freaking super models!

The man comes inside and makes his way over to the kitchen sink. He washes and dries his hands before turning to look at me. He holds out his hand for me. 

"Hi. I'm Isaiah. Roman's father. It's good to meet ya kid," Isaiah says in a deep voice. 

"You too. I'm Virgil," I say shaking his hand. His grip is firm. He pulls away his hand and leads us all into the living room. I take a seat next to Roman on one couch while his parents sit on the other. We make small talk for a few minutes before his mom goes off to start dinner. 

"We'll be in my room," Roman says grabbing my hand. "Alright bud. We'll call you guys down when dinner is ready," Isaiah tells him. I follow him up the stairs. There's a loft when you reach the top. It has a couch, a coffee table, some bookshelves and a desk with a PC. We turn right at the top of the stairs and follow the hallway that also turns right. We get to the end of the hallway with two doors. "That room belongs to my uncle," he says pointing to the room on the left. We go into the room on the right and I'm amazed at how decorated his room is.

It's a medium sized room with a full sized bed. There are printouts posted all over the room of various things. Disney, music stars or movies. He has a TV on the opposite side of his bed and a desk right next to it. 

"Wow. I love your room," I say sitting on the bed. 

"Thanks. Glad you like it. You wanna watch something?" he asks and I nod. We end up watching TV and snuggling up together until his parents call us down for dinner. The dinner is nice and I feel really comfortable around his parents. They have very calming souls too. 

After dinner it's getting late so I tell Roman that I should head home. He looks sad and tries to say something but stops himself. 

"What's up?" I ask. 

"Nothing. Want me to walk you back?" he asks. 

"I'm good. Bye Princey," I say using his nickname. He laughs and smiles. 

"I'll see you tomorrow," I say kissing him softly. He kisses me back immediately.

I Can See Two - Sanders SidesWhere stories live. Discover now