00 - Prologue - Jackson Chance's Point Of View

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A few months ago...

Showing up on the scene of the attack, Cade and I fought through the men attacking the building until one of us could get inside. Once I was in, I yelled for our boss, Don Vincent, Maddox. He had been receiving some Therapy with Dr. Martin for a while. Once I found Maddox, he seemed to be ok, but Dr. Martin wasn't ok. He was shaking and mumbling about the windows and the cost to fix that. He was not in a good place as I took him to the SUV. Maddox had made it clear I was supposed to be looking after him for a bit.

Getting him to my place, he was still really shaken up. I poured him a glass of whiskey and made him drink it even though he said he didn't drink. The whiskey did little to help him. I was really glad that Rosie was away staying at her grandmother's. I didn't need her to see another person like this, and I didn't know how well he was going to settle in. He was clearly going to have some trauma after this. He had a few cuts and wounds on him that could use a cleaning, but I wasn't sure how to ask him to allow me to clean his wounds. So I demanded it.

"Let me clean your wounds."
"I wasn't asking. I'm going to clean them."
"They are going to get infected and then you will be in worse shape than you already are."

Grabbing the alcohol wipes, I roughly cleaned his wounds. He really didn't like it. He hardly sat still for the entire process. Putting bandaids over the wounds, he didn't say thank you. In fact, he said nothing at all. He just sat there. I grabbed his wrist and took him to my room, showing him where everything was before I left the room. I gave him my room because it had a bathroom attached and it gave him privacy to get his head in order or whatever, and it kept him out of my daughter's sight when she came home.
Maddox had demanded I be the one to look after him. I wasn't stupid as to why that was. I was the only really normal one who could look after him. Cade was a psychotic mess and didn't do well with people, not even his own kid. Alexi was too much of a freak to even think about putting Dr. Martin around. So here we were.

I heard the shower run before everything went super quiet. I assumed he had been sleeping. Throwing something together to feed him for dinner, I knocked on my bedroom door and stood there for a moment. The sound of the doctor's scream made me throw the door open. He was sitting straight up in the bed, his eyes panicked and his breathing loud and constant. Something clearly freaked him out. Before he apologized, he looked at me and around the room. He had a night of terror. He nearly fell out of the bed when he untangled himself from the blankets.

"Help yourself to the closet or the drawers. There's normal clothing that should fit you."
"Thank you."

I closed the door and walked to the kitchen. Separating the food onto two plates, I set them on the table and waited for him to come out. When he did, he was wearing a pair of my sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. He looked almost comfortable. He sat the table and looked at the food even after I gave him a fork.

Trying not to make him any more fearful or nervous than he was, I started to eat and browsed my phone. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he picked up his fork and ate slowly. He seemed to enjoy the food. I was thankful for that.

"I've sent a few guys over to your home to get you a few things, since Maddox thinks it's not safe for you to return there."

He said nothing, he just looked at me. His mouth opened slightly, like he wanted to say something, but he didn't.

"Is there anything you want me to have the grab?"
"What would you like?"
"All the pills in the bathroom. "

I didn't question him about the need for those. I just texted one of the men and made sure he knew to grab that. They were important if he was asking for them. He didn't ask for anything else, so I made sure to tell the men to grab anything that looked like he might need it.

A few hours later, a few carefully packed bags, and boxes were dropped off at my door. I carefully carried them in, setting them just inside the bedroom door. Dr. Martin was sitting on the bed, awake and typing away angrily at someone on his phone.

"Here is your stuff."
"Thank you."

He set the phone down and came towards the stuff. He carefully looked through all the boxes until he found the box of pills. He dug around in the box until he found a few bottles of clearly prescription pills. I didn't ask questions about it though because that wasn't my job or concern. Leaving the room, I sent Maddox a text to let him know the good doctor was settled and seemed a little better.

Laying down on the couch, I fell asleep only to be awoken by the sound of screaming. Getting off the couch, I went to check on the good doctor. Popping open the door, I watched him medicate himself before he turned to me.

"I'm sorry."
"It's fine."
"Night terrors.."
"You don't have to explain to me. I just wanted to check you were safe."
"From everything but my own head."

Shutting the bedroom door, I went back to the couch and found I couldn't fall back asleep because I was too busy checking to see if he was going to have another night terror. To which he didn't.

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