"Not to me." Hoseok just shrugged.

They kept eating and talking a little. Yoongi tried holding conversations but from time to time he wouldn't get an answer and he didn't know what else to say.

"Excuse me. I'll be right back." Yoongi said as he got up and walked towards the bathroom.

He opened the door and disappeared. Joon-Ho also got up and excused himself to the bathroom too. He went inside and found Yoongi holding his forehead in front of a mirror, and worried.

"Hey you ok?" Joon-Ho asked quickly.

"Yea I'm fine." Yoongi answered.

Yoongi did look tired and a little sick. His head and chest hurt a lot, but he tried standing strong. He tried walking towards Joon-Ho but suddenly he fell, or more like he fainted.

"Shit, what do I do now?" Joon-Ho was panicking.

While that happened in the bathroom, Hoseok was just waiting outside like a normal person. Thinking of all the things that could be going on right now. He started worrying and then he too went to the bathroom.

"What the fuck happened?!" Hoseok shouted.

"He just fainted. Call for help!" Joon-Ho shouted back.

Hoseok ran out the bathroom and called a waiter to help. They both ran back in, Hoseok hesitated to call emergencies because if he did, something bad would definitely happen to him.

Yoongi was taken out of the bathroom into the car. The waiter said he should wake up in a few hours or so, and that they should just check on him so he doesn't have a fever or something.

"Why do you think he fainted?" Joon-Ho asked.

"I don't know." Hoseok answered quietly.

When they finally could bring Yoongi into his bedroom, they realized they had left something in the car.

"Should I go get our phones?" Joon-Ho asked as he sighed.

"If you don't mind." Hoseok answered.

Joon-Ho walked downstairs again. While Hoseok just stared at Yoongi confused. Yoongi had fainted because of hyperventilation due to stress.

Hoseok didn't notice but he was slowly walking unconsciously towards Yoongi. He took off his sweater and sat next to him.

"What happened to you?" He asked as he rested his head on top of Yoongi's.

Their hands touched. Hoseok wanted to caress his hand, but he heard Joon-Ho opening the door so he jumped.

"Here's your phone." Joon-Ho said as he held his hand out.

He looked at Hoseok puzzled, since he looked startled. Suddenly Yoongi started moving and slowly gaining consciousness.

"I'll bring him some water." Hoseok ran to the kitchen not wanting to explain.

Joon-Ho then looked at Yoongi as he woke up. He slowly opened his eyes and moved his arms.

"Can you hear me? Or are you unconscious?" Joon-Ho randomly asked.

Yoongi was only talking jiberesh. He needed to adjust to beeing awake, after 2 hours of unconsciousness.

"Where am I?" Yoongi suddenly blurbs out.

"You're back in your room, chill." Joon-Ho answered calmly.

Yoongi tried getting up, but Joon-Ho stopped him as he lightly pushed him back onto the bed.

"You need some rest." Joon-Ho said as he slowly sat next to Yoongi.

Yoongi didn't know what to do, as he still felt weak.

"Calm down." Joon-Ho said.

Those two words didn't help, they only made Yoongi afraid. Joon-Ho started to feel bad for what he was about to do, but he couldn't stop himself.

Joon-Ho repeated the unconscious moves Hoseok did. He rested his head lightly on Yoongi's head. But Yoongi... he just froze there. Joon-Ho wrapped an arm around his shoulders and brushed Yoongi's hair.

"W-what are you doing." Yoongi said stuttering. "Don't do it..."

Hoseok was outside thinking about what he should do with Joon-Ho. Sadly he didn't have any idea of what was happening inside.

Back inside Yoongi was giving up. He didn't want to run, but he also didn't want to stay, and he didn't want to move since his body just hurts.

Then something that was expected just happened. The taller slowly moved closer to Yoongi. He made both of their noses touch.

"If you can kiss him, why not me?" Joon-Ho said desperate.

And like that their lips had connected. Yoongi tried pushing Joon-Ho away, but like mentioned he was too weak to do it. Joon-Ho just took advantage of that. Yoongi was trying his hardest but he really couldn't, he was trying to push away when he suddenly just gave up.

He went directly to I can't do it, so he just let it be. He didn't kiss him back neither did he enjoy it, but he couldn't stop it.

Mean while before the kiss, Hoseok was outside slowly getting a glass of water. He drank from it then realized that it was supposed to be for Yoongi. So he poured another cup and walked slowly.

"What am I even doing?" Hoseok asked himself as he looked down at the water.

He walked towards the door, again slowly. He grabbed the door knob and sighed. As he opened the door he heard something.

"-why not kiss me?"

He peaked through the door and saw Yoongi and Joon-Ho kissing. He felt hurt but at the same time something told him to stay strong. He left the glass of water on a small table near the door and walked quietly away.

Joon-Ho backed away and sighed. Yoongi quickly tried getting up. His legs still felt incapable of standing up, but he tried. When he finally got out he saw Hoseok opening the front door.

"Hobi, wait!" Yoongi exclaimed.

Hoseok looked back excited for his new nickname, but he wasn't going to talk to Yoongi right now.

Joon-Ho ran back out. He didn't regret kissing Yoongi, but he felt bad for Hoseok.

"Yoongi... I-I'm sorry." Joon-Ho spoke silently.


They both looked down. Neither of them could talk to each other without saying anything bad now, because all they could do now was feel guilt.

By now all we do is called betrayal.

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