25: Haphazard Happenings

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Ohhhh," She says, face going 😅. "That makes sense."

"First things first, take a stance." I raise my fists.

She does so, looking a bit awkward. This is going to be hard work.

She doesn't know much about combat, but she's a quick learner. We fight fist to fist, and I give pointers as we go. Then we move to weapons, and I help her with her swordsmanship. Before I know it, an hour has passed. Then two hours. Then three.

Finally, During one of our breaks, I check the time. "Oh geez, I better head out. It was nice training with you, Pulse."

She shakes my hand, says farewell, then I thwip away towards the city.


Ive had plenty of time to think. I think about Kel mostly, and the interaction we had in the bathroom today. Your secret's safe with me.

Why had he said that? I mean, I'm grateful that he has decided not to tell anyone, but why didn't he just not tell me? Is he trying to gain my trust? I thought we were rivals, and rivals don't do that... do they?

I think about Drifter. He's scary, violent, aggressive, yet... doesn't attack during school hours. He gave me a couple days after my injury to recover before we fought again? He doesn't attack civilians, and makes sure to keep property damage at a low. When he came to me for information, he didn't damage anything in my room, and insisted that we meet at an outside location for the delivery. He's a wildcard, that's for sure.

I can't help but think about their fighting styles. Quantity over quality, and they have both straddled me to the ground. Interesting.

~(This is the next day by the way)

"Hey, I have a serious question." Caleb says, turning to face me while we walk. "The other week or so, you said you have two sisters, but then when we were doing 20 questions, you said you have a brother and a sister. I was wondering if like, maybe you disowned one of your sisters, or maybe adopted a brother..."

I throw my head back and laugh. "Oh geez, my bad. You must be so confused. My brother Asher used to be my sister Sophie."

He blinks at me, still processing. "Used to be... oh- OH!" He slaps his forehead. "Holy frick, I'm so stupid. Duh. Okay, sorry. I get it now."

I laugh again. With everything that's been going on, I guess I hadn't noticed that my stories were getting crossed. "Sorry, I didn't realize how confusing that must have been."

"Nah, don't sweat it." He nudges my shoulder as we walk.

"Do you have any advice you could share?" I ask, sheepishly kicking at the soggy ground. "I don't know who I can tell or what to do when someone asks. I trust you, because... ya know, obviously." I point between the two of us. "But the thing is, I want everyone to know and automatically see him as my brother. But... he's not out of the closet, and when people start to realize that my stories aren't adding up, they're going to ask about it."

"Tricky predicament." He agrees.

"And I don't want to just pretend he doesn't exist, who would I be if I did? I'd be a traitor. And I'm a hypocrite when I say I want him to be out and proud, because I'm not even out of the closet yet."

"I hear ya."

"What should I do?"

"We can adopt him." Caleb shrugs, and I look over at him with wide eyes. "We raise him as our son in a healthy and accepting environment, to get him comfortable with coming out."

"You..." I blink, processing. "You're a genius, Caleb."

"That's why they pay me the big bucks."

I stop him on the path, letting the cold breeze catch up to us. "Are you serious? Like, you really want to go through with this-"

He interrupts me. "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't mean it. I mean, we can't legally adopt him, we're not... married... and plus, we're just kids. I- oh my god." His eyes light up as a realization hits him.

"What is it?" I pull his arm so he looks at me again.

"Sheryl and Bethany. They've always wanted to adopt, but they don't have enough time for little kids since they have the bakery."

"Asher can work there!" I finish the thought. "You call Beth and Sheryl, and-"

"You tell Asher." He nods, pulling out his phone.

I just gaze at him for a second before dialing the number. While the phone rings, I step forward and push my lips to his, having to tilt my face up to reach. My heart still flutters nervously when our skin touches. He pulls me against his body by wrapping a hand around my waist. Hmmm warm...

Before I can get too carried away, Asher answers with a "yo yo, what's up, you corner piece of week old lasagna?"

Caleb bursts out laughing, and I hang my head. "You sure know how to make an entrance."

"It's my job."

"Speaking of job!" I raise my eyebrows. "Do you need one?"

"What's your offer?"

"Bakery part-time, I'll let you use my bus pass for the commute." I say, fishing in my wallet for my student ID card.

"Sweet... but not sweet enough."

"Owned by lesbians."

"Intriguing, but not convincing."

"They'll use your chosen name and pronouns, treat you like a son, let you eat left overs; and you get to spend Sunday dinner with them, me, and my boyfriend."

"You had me at chosen name." He gives a dramatic sniff as if he's crying. "When do I start?"

"He can start Monday." Caleb says, and I turn my phone on speaker so he can talk into it. "Sheryl will email me all the forms, and I'll forward them along to you."

"Deal. Signed and sealed."

"What color do you want your apron?" Caleb asks.


Caleb relays the information, then listens for a second. "Sheryl is asking if you want to come for Sunday dinner this week and meet them."

"If y'all can give me a ride."

"Done and done." I say, nodding to Caleb. He turns away to iron out some of the finer details, and I turn the phone on normal volume.

"Hey Skylar?" Asher asks softly.

I put the phone to me ear. "Yeah?"

"Thanks. For everything."

"Of course." I salute, even though he can't see me. "It's my duty as your older brother."

"Whatever." I can practically hear him roll his eyes. "See you Sunday, monkey brains."

"Ta-ta for not, banana butt." I hang up.

Aight sorry about the filler episodes, things are about to get real up in here. YALL ARE NOT READY


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