Chapter 29

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Faith had asked Blake and Shantel to sit down and talk so the stupid bickering could stop. What she didn't expect was that what was close to a world war would ensue in her bedroom with the sounds of lamps breaking and maybe her hairdryer thrown at the door. But they quieted after some time so she assumed that their talk must have gone well. So well in fact, that they wouldn't come out till next morning. She had to sleep on the sofa where Blake usually slept.

Fact is she would never have guessed what had happened in that room after the fight was over.

"Looky here!" Blake ordered when he entered the room and closed the door behind them. "I ain't sayin' shit to you."

"I need an explanation for that night." Shantel demanded. "And you know it."

"I owe you nothin'," Blake insisted, "can't you understand that it ain't gonna happen. So just crawl back to where you came from." Blake advised derisively.

To say the truth Shantel tried to stay calm. She breathed in and out many times before she answered him. She even counted to ten. But when that time was up, her nostrils flared and and cry of war erupted from her lips. First thing she threw was the small lamp next to the bed. It crashed against the wall, missing Blake by a hairbreadth since he didn't expect the attack and didn't have time to dodge.

"You know what happened dat night ain't my fault." She cried out. "It was all you, you piece o' shit. You made it all up, and you dare to say you owe me nothin'. I'm a show you what you owe me." She assured him running over the bed to jump at him in what she expected would be a surprise attack.

"Shoot! Woman." Blake cussed holding her at arm's length before she could hit him or scratch his eyes out. It was easy for him to hold her back since she was really harmless compared to some of the thugs he faced every day even when she was at her angriest. "I ain't done nothin' and I ain't gonna explain myself to you." He said thinking that he was going to end the discussion at that but Shantel surprised him when she managed to give him a very accurate kick in the family jewels.

The poor man didn't expect this sneak attack and crumbled to the ground like a house of cards choking and in pain.

"Dat's for what you did to me." She informed him flippantly. "And dis is for sayin' dat it was all my fault." She said rushing to unplug the hairdryer and throw it at him.

This time Blake managed to dodge and the hairdryer banged against the door behind him instead. Shantel didn't stop there she ran towards him again with a cry of war again expecting to be able to attack him easily since she had already immobilized him with her kick.

She jumped at him but he dodged her attack again and stood up even if shakily. Knowing that she would be no match to a six foot two body of muscles attacking hand to hand, she decided that she would keep throwing things at him. She threw first her coffee cup then his and they both crashed on the door next to the hairdryer throwing off coffee and thin piercing shards in every which way. The shards created a minefield next to the shards from the lamp.

This time the unexpected attack was on Blake's side. He jumped onto her holding her down on the bed beneath him. She was grunting and furiously struggling to reach him with her sharp nails to scratch him and inflict as much damage as he could.

"Why'd you come here?" Blake finally asked.

"So now you wanna talk?" Shantel answered refusing to back down and bucking her hips as much as she can to get him off her.

"You ain't goin' nowhere." Blake assured her holding her down between his thighs finally managing to cage her hands in his.

"Get off me you piece o' shit." Shantel cried out. "Now you say I'd done dis to myself. Right?" She mocked.

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