Chapter 23

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Blake knew the truth. He knew that Sam didn't hate Faith otherwise he wouldn't have asked him to take care of her.

Blake knew the truth but he didn't want to tell Faith. He didn't want to add to her guilt because that is exactly what she would feel since her plan to make him hate her instead of himself had failed.

Blake had bigger fish to fry. The hospital papers were all signed and everything was ready for them to leave. The reporters were, as expected, gathered at the entrance of the hospital. He had to find a way to navigate them through the waves of microphones and questions to get them to his car all the while keeping an eye out for the threat and shielding Faith from the world. This was no small task but the detective chose him deliberately for this assignment because he trusted him and... basically because he didn't have a life outside work and he could put in the hours.

As He took Faith's hand and they both exited the building the reporters almost crushed them bombarding Faith with questions and almost beating them with their microphones.

"Faith, how did you escape?"

"Miss Drake, who helped you with your escape?"

"What will you do after this?"

"Did you know your attacker?"

"Were you involved with your attacker?"....

Some of the questions were plain stupid. Some of the questions weren't even addressed at Faith but at Blake who wore his uniform proudly but was holding Faith hand to keep her at his side.

"Are you her boyfriend?"

"What about police involvement?"

"Did the police find the kidnapper?"...

It was really hectic to say the least and as rake readied himself to interfere and ask them to open a way for them to leave he was surprised by Faith.

"I would like to say a word please." She requested and the chaos died down a little all of them like sharks ready to pounce on whatever scoop she was willing to give them.

"I would like to thank my family and friends for staying vigilant and for never giving up the search for me but mostly I would like to thank the person who gave me back my life. I... I will forever carry our memories in my heart." She fell silent for a second then remembered that she needed to add something. "I would like to voice a request, please stop harassing my family and friends, they have been through enough already an they won't give you any additional information. Thank you." She ended her speech and started to advance between the rippling waves of microphones that got even more agitated than before shouting their questions at them. Blake only answered with "no comment" as they finally reached the other side of the dam of bodies.

Another officer had brought the car to the front of the hospital and opened the doors for them to get in and drive away all the while trying to control the crowds.

It was now up to Blake to make sure that they weren't followed by reporters or the suspect. He had to drive almost in circles but he made sure not to make any sudden moves because Faith wasn't fully recovered yet.

Faith was still on heavy medication most of the time and she might never be able to recover her previous motor skills. Meaning she won't be able to run, even when she walked she had problems. She will never be able to walk again without a limp. The limp will be more obvious with fatigue and pain. Her ribs still smarted and her injuries although stitch-less now, still hurt like hell and will still hurt for a while.

Blake kept looking in the rear view mirror to check if they were followed even at a distance before he got close to their new location. First thing he had to do was get Faith set up in the apartment that had an escape route if needed.

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