Chapter 6

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After she reclined on the pillows she quickly drifted to sleep. He didn't have the heart to wake her because he knew the exhaustion and pain she will have to endure. He still had work to do. He bandaged her ribs so her movements wouldn't hurt as much due to what he suspected were fractures. He raised her over his arm and supported her whole weight on one hand while he worked. she twitched a little due to the pain but did not wake.

She slept. She slept for two whole days. But her vitals were strong and he stayed up for those two days to monitor her progress. By the end of the second day he was barely able to keep his eyes open. Like a walking dead. his eyes were drooping and he was forcing his body beyond its limits.

Then she woke. Finally, and she was surprised at his state. The dark circles under his eyes were barely noticeable considering that his eyes had gotten so hollow they almost disappeared into the sockets. His beauty that she had noticed when she first saw him was diminishing. But his true inner beauty was radiating to Faith who not only saw him as a savior but also as a protector. He had sacrificed for her, a stranger, because of the goodness of his heart.

She found that the pain was lesser and it was probably due to the tablets of painkillers he made her swallow regularly and on time waking her only for a few second and then letting her rest again.

He hadn't noticed that she was awake until she tried sitting up in bed. That's when his eyes focused a little bit. She was numb but she still felt a twitch in her ribs and side. He helped her up and she saw him trembling when he exerted himself to lift her. She noticed that he had changed her clothes.

She stretched to lift the paper and charcoal to talk to him the only way she could. But a searing pain shot through her from the stretching and she fell back again on the pillows holding her abdomen to contain the damage. She knew that now that she fell back, her rescuer would have to lift her up again and to do that he was probably draining the last of his strength.

She pushed herself to save him the trouble and the energy. However he mumbled something about not straining herself or the stitches will break open. He then lifted her weakly and straightened the pillows behind her. She didn't want to stay bedridden anymore. She wanted him to rest a little.

She was a cautious creature in her nature and she didn't give out her trust easily especially not to men, especially now after what had just happened to her, but he inspired in her the feeling she never though she would feel for anyone other than her father. She felt a connection to him she only felt towards her family and her only friend.

She wanted to repay his kindness and show her gratitude. She knew she had to ask for a favor first and she pointed towards the paper and charcoal she tried reaching before. He understood her silent gesture and he grabbed them for her.

I want to leave the bed and I want you to sleep. I will sit inside. She handed him the paper to read and indicated the other room. She didn't know what was there but most probably it was the living room and she was sure she could recline on the sofa until he woke up.

Although she didn't know him, she was feeling at home in his house or rather cabin. She trusted him, she realized. He had saved her life and taken care of her at the expense of his rest and she was eternally grateful. As soon as she gets back home, she was going to find a way to pay him back, she decided.

As she placed her hand on the bed to push her body to stand she noticed the needle hanging from her arm and the saline solution attached to it that hung high on the bedpost. Ugh, she hated needles. Her face was so expressive that he understood what she meant to say without writing it down.

"Wait, let me remove the needle from your arm." He ordered and put words to action. "you won't need it anymore. Just eat." he exhaled as the exhaustion took hold of him so suddenly.

Hurriedly, she moved from the bed and into the adjoining room only looking back once to see him closing his eyes and falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillows like a baby. He was... beautiful was the only appropriate word. But she had more pressing things to tend to if she wanted to get better soon and go back home.

As she suspected the next room was the living room with an open kitchen. That was the sum of the cabin besides the bathroom which she suspected might be a separate small enclosed space somewhere nearby.

Her stomach gurgled, so she thought to make herself something to eat rather than bother him with it later. A quick inventory of the upper cabinets revealed a serious need for help. Everything was in disarray and she couldn't figure out what he had in there to eat.

She decided to sort out everything. She had been sleeping for awhile and she wasn't sure how long she will have to lay down still so a little activity now that doesn't strain her will only do her good. Her height wasn't really helpful to get to the upper shelves so she decided to use the stool near what seemed to be the front door.

Curious about her whereabouts, Faith slowly opened the door to take a look.

The windows were always draped in her room so the sun wouldn't intrude on her sleep and apparently her host feared the sun somehow because he draped the living room widows as well. She was used to the dim light in the house that is why she never questioned the time. Unfortunately for her it was late in the evening when she peeked out the door and barely anything was visible except the outline of the top of the trees lit by the bright moon. It was a marvelous view, unperturbed by the skyscrapers of the city or the polluted air. The stars shone brighter and the moon seemed closer and bigger like a silver biscuit ready to be tasted. She was hungrier that she though if she was liking the moon to a biscuit to be tasted.

As she readied herself to close the door she was suddenly distressed by an advancing silhouette. It was low and slow. It wasn't a man's silhouette so it couldn't be her attacker but her momentary relief was replaced with panic. Who knew what kind of beasts lurked in these parts of the woods? As she retreated to shut the door hastily she heard the bark of the animal in question and realized it was just a dog. A beautiful and well-mannered dog. When she opened her hand palm up to allow it to sniff it the dog sat back on the doorstep and gave her a handshake. 

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