Chapter 1

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At about fifteen to twelve a faint thud coming from downstairs woke Faith from her tiered sleep. It was pitch black and she was alone. She remembered she had locked the doors and turned on the alarm. She was sure of it. She pressed the light on her digital clock. Her parents weren't scheduled to be back this early; usually they stayed a couple of hours more together on their nights out.

Keep it cool, she ordered herself. No need to panic, she repeated. But her mantra was in vain.

She could feel her heart rate escalating rapidly at the explanation she had drawn from her analysis of the situation. There was probably a burglar in the house. She should probably call 911 but... She should be sure that she heard correctly before involving the police shouldn't she? She was after all asleep when she heard the noise, maybe she had dreamed it. Hopefully. Possibly. Doubtfully.

She tip-toed to her bedroom door and through touch she got hold of the handle. Very carefully Faith cracked the door open noiselessly. She peeked out into the corridor but the darkness didn't allow for a lot of sight. Taking care not to make any noise, she decided that she'll just check the alarm and the doors and go back to bed and she headed towards the stairs.

There's nothing to it, is there? Her heart beat grew faster and louder until it seemed that everyone could hear it not just her. She heard another thud except this time it came from nearby, two doors to the right, and it was followed by a cuss. The voice was faint but it was undoubtedly a male voice. Then came another voice but it wasn't as harsh as the first. The second intruder spoke sweetly to soothe the cursing. But it was all whispered so that the voices were indistinct. Faith was sure now. She wanted to run back to her room and call 911, she had enough evidence. How stupid! She hadn't taken the handy phone with her and now, she was rooted to the floor with fear. Totally helpless. Ten feet away from danger.

Someone opened her parent's room and went in, the other was on his heels. They turned on the lights and Faith could see the shadow of someone moving inside the room through the open door. How weird for robbers to turn a light on Faith thought and so she decided to investigate further and tiptoed to the doorway of her parents' room.

She had barely made it when she almost ran into one of the intruders coming out of the room. She screamed involuntarily. But she quickly stifled it when she realized that she ran into none other than her father.

"My heart almost stopped." She said reproaching. "Why did you return this early?" She inquired already expecting the answer.

"Your mother got tiered so we cut our evening short." Joseph replied. Since her mother had a weak heart any strong emotion was inadvisable, and she couldn't tire herself.

"Why didn't you turn on some lights? You scared me." She accused.

"We knew you were asleep, because the lights were all out and we didn't want to wake you. Guess that didn't work."

"No. Guess not. It was useful though. I learned some interesting new words." She joked.

"Just don't tell your mother you learnt them from me kiddo." He said rumpling her hair. "You can go back to bed now, honey."

"'night dad" she said turning her back to him. "Good night Faith." He answered lovingly before heading to the stairs to get his wife a glass of water for her medicine.

He was still wearing his tux although he had taken off the jacket and the tie. His shirt was open at the collar revealing now a few curly chest hairs. He was handsome for a sixty two year old man. His big grey eyes gleamed in his ivory face underneath perfectly trimmed honey bronze hair.

Faith headed back to her room then stopped in her tracks and turned on her heels going back to her mother's room.

She knocked on the open door and she saw her mother sitting in front of her mirror already changed into her clear white nightgown combing her golden blond curls.

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