Chapter 20

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Two days before Faith left the hospital, she received an unscheduled and unexpected visit from Detective Dan. This time however he wasn't alone. He was accompanied by a very handsome man in his late thirties. Faith was walking in the corridor with Sam as she did whenever she could to help out her recovery. She still needed some help to walk alone but she was improving steadily. She could walk with a limp but Sam refused to leave her side.

"Good morning, Ms. Drake." Detective Dan greeted shaking her hand as soon as he saw her. "May we speak to you for a moment in private?" He asked.

"Alright we'll go into her room," Sam agreed guiding Faith in the direction of her room.

"We need to talk to Ms. Drake alone," the detective contradicted.

"It's ok. Whatever you want to say to me, you can say in front of Sam." Faith advised a little defensively. During this month in the hospital, Faith and Sam had become really close. He told her about the death of his parents and how it had affected him and it seemed like there was no secrets between them anymore. She could see the way he looked at her. It was similar to the way her father looked at her mother with love and tenderness and she knew that whenever she looked at him she felt that way. So whatever the detective wanted to tell her might be she will face it with Sam who seemed willing to stay with her despite everything.

"Miss Drake trust me on this. You need to hear this alone." the detective insisted stubbornly.

"Fine." Faith finally conceded before Sam had the chance to object and she could see that he was going to object. She could also see that the detective had something important to say. If, after they left, she thought that Sam needed to know, she would tell him.

"Are you sure you will be ok?" Sam asked worriedly but handing Faith's hand hesitantly to the young man with the detective.

"Yes. Don't worry, I'll be fine." Faith assured him although she wasn't sure herself. "If I need you I'll call you." She promised. Sam nodded his head and left in the opposite direction. He wasn't totally convinced and he could feel in his guts that something was about to go wrong.

"Thank you" Faith said as the stranger released her and she settled on the bed. "Ok. Sam left. What do you need?" She finally asked the detective defiantly; angry that she had to kick Sam out for a talk she didn't really want to have about a subject she wanted to forget.

"Ms. Drake. We need to tell you what we found at the house of your attacker." The detective informed her. "We followed up with the theories we presented to you last time and unfortunately we were able to dig up twenty six victims in total." The detective explained disgusted.

Faith's head got heavy and she felt dizzy at this bit of information. Her stricken expression prompted the detective to get to the point fast.

"This is not the point." He explained. "There is something worse we need to discuss."

"Worse!" Faith cried out chocking on the words.

"Yes. I'm afraid so." The detective assured her. "The bodies that we discovered were of fifteen women and eleven men. The rings that we found were mostly made up of wedding bands and they belong to the men." The detective explained.

"The hair was taken from the women. We were able to identify most of the victims through the missing person's DNA data base." He continued needlessly explaining things that would help lessen the impact of the next words.

"The problem is as we've explained earlier this type of serial killer is well organized and wouldn't deviate this much from his MO. So we suspect an accomplice or even an equal since they both buried their victim together. We suspected that they are husband and wife since they live together and the second set of trophies fits better with a female. Your attacker is married and when we went to notify his wife on those first days we were unable to find her." The detective explained.

"Maybe she's running from the press." Faith tried to defend innocently unwilling to accept the possibility of another horrible person out there that could also threaten her life yet again.

"We didn't let the press get a hold of your story. They only discovered that you were saved this week but they still don't have any details about who the kidnapper is and where you were held during your kidnapping. So unless she knows something about his activities she wouldn't have known to leave. We also went to their house again this week and their neighbor informed us that she saw her leaving with luggage. It was the same time as her husband's death."

"So she ran away." Faith expressed calming down a little bit. "What does all of this have to do with me?" She inquired.

"She can't run away. We sent a bolo out for her arrest and she will not be able to cross state lines or fly out of here without running into a checkpoint and getting arrested. We suspect that she will stay in hiding but mostly because you killed her partner and ruined her operation base, we think she will come after you for retribution." The detective explained dropping a huge bomb on Faith's head.

"W...what can we" Faith asked stammering her throat closing off, her mouth dry.

"We've been monitoring the hospital. She hasn't appeared here yet and we think she will not come in the next few days especially with the reporters gathering at the entrance she would not risk it. We think she might attack at your house later when the commotion dies down." The detective explained.

"We know the situation of your family and your mother's health issues and we think it would be better to avoid any confrontation there so we suggest something close to witness protection. Here comes the role of Officer Blake Simmons." The detective said introducing his companion who stretched his hands for a hand shake. "Nice to meet you." The officer greeted.

"Officer Blake will stay will you in a remote location until we catch her or she tries to make a move." The detective continued. "Your house will be monitored and all the way from the hospital to the safe house. We need to ensure your safety that is why we ask you not to tell any one of these procedures because we don't want to put anyone's life in danger." The detective repeated.

"Do you understand what we're asking of you?" The detective asked.

"Yes. But I have a few questions." Faith demanded. "How long is this going to last? What do you expect me to tell my parents? And...When you catch her will I be safe?" Faith asked vulnerably.

"We don't know how long this might last but we will try to tighten our hold on things. We will have her picture broadcasted nationwide. We will set up roadblocks. We will force her out of her rabbit hole. We will take all the necessary precautions to get her the soonest. You can't tell your family and friends what's going on. Don't tell them where you will be staying but you can tell them that we will take care of you. You can call them on a secure line from time to time to reassure them of your safety. As for your last question, when we catch her, yes, you will be safe." The detective said answering Faith's questions in order.

"Fine." Faith agreed after a few seconds of thought.

"But I will not lie to my family. I will not tell them details but I will not lie to them." Faith expressed naming her conditions.

"As long as you don't tell them your location or the plan it's ok." The detective agreed.

"Blake will be staying with you from now on. He will accompany you from the hospital to the safe house." The detective explained. He will stay with you most of the time. If you need anything you will ask him. So try to get to know him enough in the next couple of days in here so you can depend on him out there." The detective explained.

Then he stood up, "I'll leave now. Stay safe." He advised trying desperately to remove the wrinkles from his pants.

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