Chapter 14

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It was easily the best night's sleep she had ever had. She knew that her life was in danger and it didn't make any sense for her to be this relaxed but when she was with him she felt like she could conquer the world. He gave her so much confidence in herself and that was a new experience. She felt like herself. It was freeing.

She woke up to the smell of pancakes. It felt nice to wake up like that. She freshened up and changed into another one of his shirts. As she left the bedroom, her feet immediately took her to him. She wanted to see if the revelations of the previous day had registered after a night's rest. She wanted to be sure if he still felt the same way by morning light.

When he heard her approaching, Sam left the pan on the stove to turn to her. He held her by the waist drawing her to him and kissed her soundly raising her to the countertop to sit near him as he worked. After a long and tormentingly sweet kiss, Sam forced himself to move away to turn the pancake. "Good morning," he finally said sheepishly.

He saw the blush and he was satisfied with it. "Did you sleep well?" He inquired tending to the food but stealing a look at her. "Yes," She answered with a whisper. She was starting to regain her voice little by little but she still had a long way to go.

"That's good. So did I." He answered too. "It's weird but I feel so much energy coursing through my body today, unlike anything I've ever felt before." He explained stacking the pancakes onto two plates he added a little butter and some honey then handed her the plate and instead of letting her get own he sat near her on the countertop.

The house was fairly dark because he kept the curtains closed especially now with the psycho running around in the woods somewhere. But the muffled sunlight illuminated the room enough creating soft halo around her cropped hair emphasizing the warm color of her hazel eyes.

"I need to leave soon." He said out of nowhere breaking the comfortable silence and his trail of thought. "It's important that I get you out of this place before he comes back. And you can't make the hike to the foot of the mountain yet so I need to get the car here." He stopped abandoning his food to look at her fully. "I hate to leave you alone. Promise..." He said stopping to draw a labored breath, "promise me you'll do everything to stay safe until I come back."

She was touched that he was worried for her safety. He was going to leave his sanctuary earlier than planned, for her. He was going to risk running into the wacko in a very dangerous setting. All for her. And he was worried about her. Oh this man! He is so sweet!

She abandoned her plate next to her on the counter and drew him for a brave and passionate kiss.

"Come back safely to me." She whispered against his lips.

As she drew her head back Sam couldn't resist stealing another kiss. Then instead of answering he admonished. "You should avoid speaking until the swelling in completely gone. You risk damaging your vocal cords." He explained with a small frown.

"Promise," She whispered instead of acknowledging what he'd said.

He chuckled and laying his forehead onto hers he said, "that was my intention." And he kissed her savagely.

At eleven everything was in order and he was ready to make the hike down the mountain then the drive back. It would require the whole day. She agreed to stay as quiet as possible and as invisible as possible until he returned. He was leaving Bella with her as some kind of protection.

She was anxious as he started to leave and he felt the same way for her. He gathered her to him for the last time saying see you soon the best way he could. If this was the last time he sees her, he wanted his last kiss to be memorable to get her through the hard days and warm her insides during the cold nights.

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