Everyone went to their rooms as soon as they reached their house. It was second time for Rachel in that mansion, actually close to first as she didn't get to explore the house earlier.

"Bunny, I want to roam the house" Rachel stated.

"I will show you the house but first let's get fresh shall we?" Rachel nodded in response. Jk took her to his room which now would be knows as their.

"You want to change the decor of the room?" Jk asked her.

"You kidding me, your room is amazing" Rachel gasped and ran to the joined balcony which was huge itself.

"Our" Jk mumbled softly. He smiled seeing Rachel enjoying the view of balcony. It was first time that other than his parents, someone else was in this room. But again, Rachel was being his a lot of firsts.

Jk hoped in the shower first and got dressed in bathrobe. When he got out of the shower, he saw that Rachel was still in the balcony. He advanced towards her and stood behind her, caging her by keeping his hands on the either side of her's, holding the railing.

"You can shower now. You can choose your outfit from my walk-in-closet. Your new wardrobe has been arranged"

"Thank you" Rachel said and turned around but get jolted up, realising the close proximity they were in. Her tip of the nose was a bit wet now, as the water droplets of Jk's wet hair was falling on her due to height difference.

Rachel saw how he was in just in a bathgown and the skinship which they were experiencing in that moment made her bite her lip.

"How am I supposed to go when you are standing like a tower in front of me, and caging me like a prey" Rachel pulled up the facade of being the cool and annoyed one.

Jk nodded while looking here and there and gave her space to walk away but when Rachel reached the washroom, she realised that even here the washrooms have no doors or walls, just a glass separating the so called shower and bedroom. She turned towards Jk immediately and frowned

"Why the hell your rooms never have proper washroom?" Rachel shouted.

"Jeez, chill woman.

First, I always lived alone okay, even my one night stands never came here.

Second, you already saw me naked and well I did see you half-naked

Third, we are married for god sake Angel.

But still, I will walk out of the room okay? Just don't...stress yourself"

And just like that Jk left the room, not giving any chance for Rachel to respond. She stood there and kept replaying his reasons.

'He was right. It must be new for him too. He is trying his hardest for me isn't he? Despite of not being in love, he is taking care of me like a real life-partner. He also must be feeling guilty. Fuck Rachel, why do you always need to over react huh? Can't you zip up your mouth for once? He is your fucking husband. You didn't get angry when you asked him to fuck you. And now you are getting all shy-shy in front if him about showering. He is not trying to force himself on you either. What else do you want from him? Fuck he even asked my opinion on the stupid decor. Ughh...sometimes I hate myself'

Rachel kept reprimanding herself now. She found the closet right across the washroom and entered it. When she went inside, she gasped in shock. It was huge, beautiful and what not.

She saw that at one side, it was Jk's clothes and on one side her's. In between all kinds of drawers which contained her accessories, his ties and their different watches. And on showcase shelves, it was their footwears. At her side, every kind of footwear was there, from flat to knee high boots, from simple to fancy, every possible range was there.

The whole wardrobe was in contract of the bedroom. The bedroom was in black-blue and grey shade while the wardrobe was in white color, filled with gorgeous little white lights which illuminated the whole place and put extra focus on dresses.

One of the four walls of the closet had huge mirror, for getting ready, and beside it, there was a shelf with glass doors, which showcased all the make up stuffs. The smell of furniture polish was still lingering around it, which made her realise that this was just made for her.

She was touched by all the small actions which her husband did, despite of people's stereotype of him being cold, distand and ruthless. But then she felt even more guilty for lashing like that on him.

She sighed and selected some descent clothes out of the wardrobe as Jk's parents were also there and she wanted to impress them for obvious reasons but she also wanted to dress up nice for Jk. She didn't know what kind apology was this but she wanted to do it.


Jk slammed his fist in the wall, his knuckles were bleeding. The whole room was messed up, furniture was upside down. And the expression in Jk's eyes was not much unreadable. He was angry, period. But the what unexplainable was, was the look in his eyes.


A/N: I don't question any profession or country. It's just an imagine of mine and total work of fiction.
Any similarity is just a pure coincidence.

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