Part 24 Nyx

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Biancas Pov

I woke up and frowned remembering that today is the war I made my way to the restroom and took a long Hot shower to relax.

After my shower I made my way to the dining area I talk to the guys after I finish eating I when to look for Ryan in the Nike cabin.

When I got there he was already outside with that smile of his the smile that I felt for "Are you ready love" "Yea, are you" I said he nodded and gave me a kiss.

We talk for about an hour before heading to the Arena to see Luke and Thalia talking when I got there Zöe and Leonel were also making there way there when Luke saw us he's mouth drop and ask who the guys were after explaining who they were him and Percy said they would have a talk with them.

Percy made his way to the front of the crowd and started to talk.

"We are here today to defend our home the place that tought us everything we know even though our parents are assholes we cant let them die even if zeus is a drama queen and wants to kill every demigod that seem stronger than him or fuck everything that can walk he is way better than having order as our ruler well not really because he want to kill us but we will figh to protect the place that serve as our home when our mortal parent didnt want us our sadly they die we are here today to make history by defeating Order and his minions"

After he finish his speech everyone cheer exempt for Zeus he look piss while Dad and Poseidon we're laughing quietly.

When the army got here the campers and gods were the first to go in.

It was sad seeing them I know I been in wars but they were planets I didn't know or people I also didn't know but the campers and god we're people I knew I know I didn't stay long when I was here but still you could hear scream from the campers that felt to survive this war.

When the hunter when in and I hear screams my blood boil does were my sister once I could feel the anger coming from Percy at the view In front of us even though they betrayed him he still care about them.

When it was our turn to go Luke and Castor when left Me and Charles when stray. Zöe and Selena when right Percy also when stray.

When we got were Nyx was it was Dark and cold good thing we when thought this kind of wether in training back in chaos planet.

I let the shadows take me to were they felt Nyx while Charles was blasting Fire and fighting some monsters when we finally arrive Charles did a circle of fire around me and Nyx he stay out of the circle to keep any monster that got to close away.

"I see a daughter of Hades" said Nyx "What do you get from doing this" I ask "Power and I get to have fun while hearing the screams of does punny demigods and hunters" she laugh while saying this.

This made my blood boils how dare she say that they are risking there lives so future generations don't have to."You will pay for this Nyx!" I told her.

Advancing Advancing.I charged at Nyx with my sword (thank chaos Percy made us learn how to use many weapons because if I could only use my bow I would be dead for the second time in my life) upheld going to for a foreswing and following it with a backswing She dodged the first and met the second with her broadsword.The weight of my sword send her blade back, back, back.......but not far enough to knock the blade free of her hands.

"You are not bad demigod I'll give you that but not good enough to kill me" Nyx said I just ignored her and keep fighting but glaring at Charles every now and then to see if he was doing ok.

Striking.This shot slice the fabric of my shirt at the midsection.It miss my flesh only by millimeters.

"You will die and when you do I will torture you in Tartarus"she said.

I summoned and army of skeletons and whistle three time telling Charles to get in here when he did the skeleton had Nyx busy this bought us time I took out my bow and started to concentrate all my anger into the arrow this would make a little ball of darkness with Charles help, he put fire on it when Nyx kill the last of my skeleton I shot the arrow Nyx scream and felt to the ground.

Before she could do anything Charles was already behind her putting imperial gold chains so she wouldn't be able to move.

"You will pay for this demigod when I come back you will pay for this"

"Sorry to break it to you but your not going to you brother domain your going to the Void" I told her her eyes got big when she new what that meant.

"Εγώ Bianca Di Angelo τέταρτη διοίκηση του δολοφόνου χάους σάς στέλνω τον Nyx στο βαθύτερο μέρος του κενού για αιωνιότητα."
After finishing chanting a portal open behind her.

"Charles would you do the honor" I said "With pleasure Bianca" he said then he turn around to face Nyx "Hope you have fun in there" he said then kick her in "Curse youuuuuuu" is all she said.

All the darkness started to fade I could see Luke and Castor had already finish there fight only Zöe, Silena, and Percy were left.

I made my way to them to see most monsters were gone and the one that weren't we're running away.

(I Bianca Di Angelo fourth in command of the chaos assassin send you Nyx to the deepest part of the Void for eternity.)


Percy Jackson Son Of Chaos.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن