Chapter 21.

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Once Ren and Leon jumped and landed on the trash, Ashley was standing waiting for them with arms crossed as she looked on. Leon got up while Ren looked at him with a glare.

Ashley: Are you out of your mind.

Leon looked at her and shrugged his shoulders.

Leon: I knew you'd be fine if you landed on your butt.

Ashley scoffed at the response.

Ren: I fucking hate you.

Leon turned to him and smirked.

Leon: You love me.

Ren rolled his eyes getting up but his his hand landed on something slimy. He looked at it and his eyes widen and got up fast wiping his hand to get the slime off.

Ren: Oh shit.

Ashley looked at where he was looking and saw a creature with spikes over it.

Ashley: What is that??

Leon: Let's move on.

Ashley got pulled by Leon from looking at it further. Ren went beside them and they saw a lever. Ren flicked it and the bars moved up so they can pass through. As they did, the Regenerator got up shaking.

Ashley: What is that thing!!

Ren: You don't wanna kno.

Leon pulled Ashley behind him while Ren took out the Sniper Rifle and shot out the parasites on it. Ren took the money the Regenerator dropped and walked back to see Ashley shaking behind Leon.

Ren: It's fine don't worry.

Ashley just nodded but continued to shake. Leon flicked another lever and the bars went up and they moved forward. They went around, Ren and Leon pushed a heavy block and it went into a space for them to pass. They walked over and to the left to see another Regenerator.

Ren took care of it and they pushed another heavy block out the way to see a door way to right. They went in and went through a double doors. Ganados were on the other side which made Ashley stay back while Leon and Ren killed them and grabbed more ammo.

They reached a room that had a wreaking ball in the middle with lava below it but it had place to walk around it. Leon jumped first followed by Ashley then Ren.

Ashley: Look there's a gate here.

She pointed at it making Leon and Ren watch. The gate were 3/4 open but the rest had concrete around it. They heard Footsteps running from where they jumped and shouting like Ganados which they were. The three of them moved and ran into a little space at the other end to see a control for the Wreaking ball.

Leon and Ren put Ashley to Operate it while they took care of the Ganados coming up to them. Once the concrete on the door were all mashed up, they ran to it and opened the door going through not before locking it as they entered. Infront of them were another gate but a lever was on the side. Leon and Ren knew there was another Regenerator because the could here the sound it was making.

Ren had the Sniper Rifle In his hands ready and just so the gate slide up revealing the Regenerator. Ren shot it many times and killed it but he kept it in his hands. They walked forward cautiously to see another one and Ren killed it. Walking forward, they saw another gate but took a left to go into room to just see tow long tables and chairs.

There was a red light but before they could check it out, they checked the room first then went to it. It's a Auxiliary Power. Leon pressed it and it was activated. They walked out to the gate it was barely open. But Ren and Leon couldn't fit instead they looked at Ashley. She looked back them with a 'what' face.

Just Protecting. [Leon Kennedy] (RE4)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora