Chapter 17.

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Ren pat Ashley's shoulder cause she was shaking a bit. It's not like Ren didn't care about her it's just she's gets on his nerves a lot. Leon grabbed the Queen's Grail from the chest and they went through the door on the side where they come out to be where they stepped on the plates.

They went back through the door and turned left seeing a lot Ganados with scythes. Ren took out a grenade and throw it killing all of them, they walked through the room to the other end putting the King Grail and the Queen's Grail on both the King and Queen's hand opening the bars on the big double doors.

On the other side it was nothing but another door on the other end. They went through that door and was shocked to see a slimy massive nest up above. Ren couldn't help but cringe. They walked in the middle and heard something flying, just then Ashley got took by a big flying insect.

Ashley: Leon!!! Help!!!!

Leon: Ashley!!

They flew out a small window. Both Leon and Ren looked around hearing more flying.

Leon: Great more of em!

Ren: Shit!

All of insects had red eyes, they were like a fly but bigger. All of them died with a screech and buzzing, Leon pulled the lever but the chains was still hooked to the bridge that it didn't fall. Ren shot them and it fell making a bridge. Going through the door, the Merchant was there with Dusty chairs and type writer on a table with a candle.

Upgrading their weapons and grabbing some ammo on the chair, they walked through a hall and turned left going through another door to see wooden barrels. They opened it and turned to see a bridge with a tower. A Clock Tower.

Ren: Wow.....

Walking closer to the bridge Leon's radio went off.

Salazar: I wonder if you both can see me?

Leon: If you even scratch her, I'll break your bones.

Ren: Exactly Wat he said.

Salazar: First, we shall see if you both can make it this far. I'll be waiting.

Ending it, Leon and Ren took out their binoculars looking around until they see Salazar with Ashley handcuffed and his guards behind her.

Leon: Shit...

They looked more and saw at the corner that Ganados were standing far away with a slingshot and fireballs ready to throw. With a few steps they took they were already being targeted, Leon and Ren made a run for it going to the other side and went up the stairs killing the Ganados. They waited for the fireballs to stop for a minute and then went infront and into a door to see inside the Clock Tower.

Ren: Wats wrong with the Clock Tower now?

Leon noticed a pieces of wood blocking the wheels from moving even though it hasn't been turned on.

Leon: We'll have to make the Clock Tower work.

Ren: Fair enough lets go.

They went up ladders and shooting the woods until they reached the top where there were a green herb in a table with a note. Leon grabbed it while Ren went beside him.

"Ritual Preparation."

"Thanks to the efforts of the 'Novistadors', we have been able to recapture Ashley."

"We shall prepare for the sacred ritual as quickly as possible and make Ashley an official member of the Los Illuminados."

"While we prepare for the ritual, those of you who feel inclined can attend to our American friends."

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