Chapter 19.

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Twist and turns the rails took the cart with ganados flooding the cart that was the front and middle cart. Leon and Ren still kept their ground and killed them. Once the cart stopped and ganados came from both sides with a chainsaw guy but he was in the first cart infront. Ren shot the lever and off they went again shooting the ganados off.

It went quickly going in a circle going down a drop came and Leon and Ren was ready for it. They jumped grabbing tightly to edge until they finally pulled themselves up. Leon quickly looked over Ren.

Leon: Are u alright?

Ren: I'm fine you?

Leon: I'm good as long as your ok.

Ren smiled at that. They walked up to a door and it slid open, in the middle was the Stone of Sacrifice. Leon grabbed it and the wall infront slid open. Walking through, they went up a ladder and they were back outside with the pillars and rocks everywhere. They walked around the fire and to the door with a lion with something round missing.

"Offer the sacrifice to the Lion."

Leon out the Stone of Sacrifice in the middle and the door opened with a elevator. Leon operated it and up they went. As they reached, they walked through a small hallway and walked down some stairs to see a big stone statue of Salazar. They walked infront of him going to the door but the platform in front of them sinked down into water causing them to not pass.

Leon and Ren looked back to Salazar hand moving and the ganados on each floor. Ren groaned. They killed the ganados and moved the hand to different directions to pass to go the other side. Finally getting back the platforms up, they walked going across it but the Salazar statue started to move on its own and walked to them crashing everything making Ren and Leon run to the other side opening the door to the outside to see the big tower.

Ren and Leon continued running over the bridge, the bridge couldn't hold the Salazar statue and it fell through causing Ren and Leon to jump and grabbed tightly to edge, Leon got up first and grabbed Ren's hand pulling him up. They looked down but walked away from it breathing heavily. Leon put his hand around Ren's shoulder as they walked to the door opening it.

They saw Salazar with his guard at the side of him clapping. Leon took his hand of of Ren's shoulder.

Salazar: So nice you both could join us.

Leon: You again.

Salazar: The sacride right that is about to begin at this tower shall endow the girl with magnificent power. She will join us, become one of us.

Ren: This is no ritual. It's terrorism.

Salazar: Isn't that a popular word these days. Not to worry, we've prepared a special ritual for you both.

Salazar raises his left hand, Leon grabbed his knife and throw it hitting Salazar's hand directly in the middle causing him to look at it horrified while Leon and Ren smirk. Salazar's guard took it out his hand and throw it back at Leon and Ren but they quick enough to move away just in time. Salazar and the guard ran into a elevator, going up.

Leon: Stop!!

Leon was about to ran after them but the elevator done lifted and went up. They looked around and the stairs went straight up. They quickly ran to it going up but stopped to see a big barrel came rolling down, Leon and Ren waited for it to hit the wall and then run up taking a short cut to the side killing a ganado as well.

Ren went up the ladder throwing the ganado off to the ground killing him.

Ren: Its not a fucking toy.

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