Chapter 11.

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Busting open wooden barrels and crates, Leon and Ren went to the Merchant who was in a small shed with the blue fire outside. They bought a Riot Gun and sold the Shotgun and also bought a Rifle (Semi Auto). Going up the stairs with Ashley right behind them and opened the door on the other side, going through. They were outside again, going around the corner and peeked over the side to see the two men on top wearing black cult clothes.

Leon took out the Rifle (Semi Auto) and sniped their heads making them drop to the ground. Picking up some Rifle ammo on the wood like box and they continued on turning right and up some spiral steps. As they reached the top on the steps they heard someone yell and a ball of fire came their way but it demolishes a small temple like building.

Another shout and another ball of fire came but missed them, hurriedly they run to the left watching up to make sure they won't get crushed. Once they were on the other side, Ren saw a man with a goat head and a Red cult clothes, seeing a barrel next to them, he quickly shoot it making it blow up killing them on top.

Going up some stairs on the left of them, as they reached the top they saw a huge door on the left of them and a clearing in the right but there were more ball of fire coming there way. When it stop for a moment, Leon went up and quickly looked at to see a barrel next to them and shot it making them blow up and came back down the stairs so he wouldn't get crushed.

Once it quiet down again, they all ran over a small bridge and into a small house with oh one person in there holding a scythe and a skull on his head. Ren shot his knees making him go down for a bit and kicked his head hard making him for down to the floor not moving. They grabbed ammo and other valuables.

They looked infront and saw another bridge and ran for it but on the other side there was a big hole I'm the ground and Ren looked to the side to see something that could rotate and make whatever it had down there to come up. They ran into a small temple like building to be safe. Ren looked out the thin tall window and saw one of them lighting the giant rock with fire. Before he could even throw it, Ren quickly shoot him, dropping to the ground everything went quiet.

Ashley stayed inside while Leon and Ren walked out making sure it was secure. Leon rotate the crank bringing up a cannon. Ren saw a string and pulled it making the cannon fire and hit the huge door causing it to demolish. Ashley jumped when it happened and ran out and hugged Leon.

Leon uncomfortably patted her back and pulled away from her gently while Ren started to walk over the two small bridges to get to the door waiting for them. Soon they came walking over and as Ashley walked pass infront of him, he whispered to her.

Ren: (Whispers) Scaredy cat.

He smirked when Ashley stomped on her foot on the floor and stormed over to Leon who turned the corner. Ren followed and Saw Leon waiting for him with a smile making him smile back. They upgraded their weapons and went through the door on the right. As they walked in, Leon's radio went off. He picked it up and listened with Ren at his side.

Hunnigan: Leon, Ren. Where's your current location?

Leon: We decided to lay low in a castle but it looks like it was a bad move.

Hunnigan: Meaning?

Ren: Well it appears that this castle's also connected with the Los Illuminados. They must not get many visitors here cuz they're giving us one hell of a welcome.

Hunnigan: Sounds bad. I have an idea guys. I need you guys too---

All of a sudden static noises came.

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