Chapter 15.

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Leon and Ren came across a dining room with lit candles on the long tables with silverware and couches to the side. Walking further to the end they saw a room but iron bars was in the way, they looked in and it was a big space, a chest was in the middle but around it was empty only the corners were filled.

They went to the right and saw a bell, Leon press it and infront a painting flipped. It was a feast painting clearly with food and wine. But for Ren, the wine bottle looked like it was coming out of the painting which was really strange to him. He pointed his gun and shot it causing the bottle to break and the wine slowly dropped on the painting.

The bars on the door opened which made Ren and Leon look at eachother. They stood by the door looking around in it until they looked up and saw a cage that was ready to catch anyone that walked to the chest.

Ren: I don't think this is a good idea.

Leon: You and me both. But I wanna know what's in that chest.

Ren: No! Leon!

Leon walked going straight for the chest while Ren pushed out his hand trying to grab him so he could come back but the cage came down locking Leon inside, ganados from ontop came down inside the cage and around it. Then the one with sharp claws that they faced in the prison cell jumped down inside the cage with Leon making Ren panick.

Leon throw a flash grenade making all the Ganados put their hands infront of their eyes while the one with sharp claws was on the other side, this gave Leon some time to blast off the lock and run out to Ren going back in the dining room. They made sure to get some space to kill every single one of them.

Soon the ganados came flooding in, Leon and Ren killed them before killing the one with the sharp claws. They went back into the room and walked through the door way of the gate going to the middle and opened the chest to only see a Hourglass w/ Gold decor.

Ren: This is dope. Wow.

Leon: Yeah but since it's not useful, we can sell it.

Ren: Sure.

They walked out the cage and went to the door that was in the corner. They walked in further to see some Ganados down by a lever, the door on the other side didn't have no way to get to and the door on the left of them were locked since Leon tried to open it. Ren grabbed a grenade and throw it at the ganados by the lever and they blew up killing them.

Leon and Ren jumped down and flicked the lever only for the ground to shake and something came up revealing a path above for them to cross. The bars were holding back two ganados who had shields, Leon blasted them with the Riot Gun and they died. They went up the ladder and was about to cross the path but more ganados came with more shields, Ren turned around to see two ganados walking to them with nothing in their hands.

Ren took on them while Leon killed the ones infront. Finally killing them and walked across to go down some stairs and grabbed some money, they jumped down and saw a Rocket Launcher with ammo all around it. They smirked.

Ren: Jackpot.

They were about to grab it but arrows shot at them, they looked up to see a ganado firing at them. They run upstairs and killed him and opened the door after taking the lock off. Leon and Ren went back down and grabbed the ammo's and the Rocket Launcher. Going up the stairs yet again and opening the door, walking the path and opened the door on the other side.

They went up some stairs, turning right and walked down a hallway only to see the Merchant on the other end with a door in the left. They spelled anything that was valuable and upgraded their guns. Once they finished, they went through the door and walked further into the room. The door opened behind them and a voice shouted.

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