Chapter 3.

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"Alert Order."

"Recently, there has been information that a United States Government Agent is here investigating the village."

"Do not let this American Agent get in contact with the prisoner."

"For those of you not yet informed, the prisoner is being held in an old house beyond the farm. We will transfer the prisoner to a more secure location in the valley when we are ready."

"We do not know how the American Agent found out about our village. But we are investigating."

"However, I feel that this intrusion at this particular time is not just a coincidence. I sense a third party other than the United States Government involved here."

"My fellow men, Stay Alert."

                              -Chief, Bitores Mendez.

Ren: Welp. Looked like they know you were coming.

Leon: Yea no shit.

Leon sighed and walked out of the shed with Ren right behind him.

Ren: So how you've been?

Leon: Eh I wouldn't say Good but I wouldn't say Bad either. Didn't think my first job was a rescue mission.

Ren: Oh. Working for the President?

Ren knew all of this beforehand but Leon didn't need to know that. He wanted to hear it from Leon himself.

Leon: Yeah but eh didn't know it was gonna be like this. I'm not complaining I'm just saying.

Leon never complained whenever he followed orders. By the look on his face, you could tell he's already stressed but he hides it very well only Ren see right through him.

Ren: Hey don't worry everything will be alright ok?

He put his hand on Leon's shoulder comforting him. Leon grabbed his hand and squeezed it before sighing.

Leon: Thanks. Let's keep moving.

They went to the double doors, opening it to see a farm. They saw a blue paper on a tree that was nailed to it and read it.

"About the Blue Medallions."

"15 Blue Medallions...
  7 in the Farm... 8 in the Cemetery..."

"For those of you who destroy 10 or more will be rewarded."

Ren saw one hanging right beside it on a branch and shot it.

Ren: One down, Fourteen more to go.

Leon: Hope its useful.

The looked around a bit.

Leon: Split up?

Ren was against the Idea considering he was "supposed" to protect him but he knew Leon will be safe and they are in the vicinity so he could call for help and Ren will be there in a flash.

Ren: Sure.

Both of them part ways, Leon going right and Ren going Left. They saw cows and chickens but mostly the place looked absolutely run down. The boards were dirty and old, the water in the well was nasty. But they ignored and continued the attack on the non-human villagers.

Leon walked to the house to see a man picking up hay and putting it in a next pile. He walked up slowly taking out his knife and stabbed the man in the neck and pulled it out making the man fall on the hay, sliding down it. Leon looked inside and saw a guy trying to throw a axe towards him but quickly shoot the guy making him fall to the ground. Leon saw some ammo and took it seeing a ladder going up and started going up it to see a next man doing the same thing. Leon got confused since the man could've heard the gunshot but still kept working. But he shot the guy and he fell. Leon saw some Medallions on the way and shot them.

Just Protecting. [Leon Kennedy] (RE4)Where stories live. Discover now