Chapter 14.

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After killing everyone in the room and finally grabbing the Goat Ornament, the doors opened. Leon and Ren went through the White door coming upon a type writer and a small hallway with Windows at the side of it with light shining through.

There were two doors, one in front and one to the side. They decided to go to one to the side, going up some stairs with crows flying and went through another door. They were outside now turning right to see a fountain with Spinels and Violent Blues in the water. Picking it up, they see a door but when Leon go to open it, it was locked. He looked up and saw a way to go in.

Leon: Ren get on my shoulders.

He stepped down and Ren got in his shoulders going up and pulled himself up and jumped down to see chests and unlocked the door for Leon to come in. Grabbing anything they can, they walked out and saw another path by the fountain to the right seeing wooden barrels. Opening it, they got some ammo and money.

Infront was a double doors, going through they saw a garden but it was a maze.

Ren: What the fuck. How much money does this guy have?

Leon: Apparently a lot.

Going down the stairs and to a door to open it but something was missing in the middle.

Leon: "Two moons make One" so we have to find two moons.

Ren: Greeeaaaatttt.

They walked to side and was about to go down the stairs but Leon's radio went off. He grabbed it and they listened.

Salazar: Still alive I see. So, do you like My garden?

Leon: I see you've managed to work in a little of your twisted taste here too.

Salazar laughed.

Salazar: Sagacious as I am, even I get lost here sometimes. Even if it takes your whole life, you both will never get out. Do you know no one does without a cause? You both will satisfy the stomachs of my cute pets. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to tie up a few loose ends. Like chasing down a couple of rats.

The radio cut.

Leon: Two rats...? If one's Luis... Who's the other? There an intruder besides us?

"Ada." Ren thought.

Leon put away the radio and looked at Ren with a questioning gaze but Ren just shrugs his shoulders and walked down the stairs. Leon followed and they opened the gate. They walked in cautiously and was about to turn corner but heard running and growls. Leon and Ren looked at eachother and looked infront to see a dog came running at them with vicious teeth.

They both stepped away causing the dog to jump pass them and they shoot the dog down but heard more growls.

Leon: Shit!

More came their way and jumped in their direction. Leon and Ren dodged and shoot every single one of them when they finished they heard more growls but it was further away. They sighed.

Ren: Let's split up. I'll meet you back at the stairs.

Leon nodded and they went different directions. Ren was glad that Ashley got captured because if she was here, there will be a lot of screams. Finally coming across the first half of the moon, Ren sighed in relief and turned around only to see a dog jumped on him. He fell back and the dog bite his left shoulder hard, Ren wanted to scream but fight against it and throw the dog off him and shoot it in its head.

Ren looked at his shoulder seeing a lot of blood on the area.

Ren: (Whispers) Fuck.

He touched it and it stinged causing him to groan. He stayed in one place for the pain to go away, it eased a little but not entirely. He got up and head back the way he came, went through the gate and was about to go up the stairs but looked up to see Leon looking at him with worry. Leon run down the stairs and came by Ren's side to look at his shoulder to see a lot of blood.

Just Protecting. [Leon Kennedy] (RE4)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt