Sombra x Abused! Reader

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Requested by shorthairsanic
(Not spell or grammar checked)
This oneshot makes absolutely no fucking sense

"Life goes on, there's so much happening around the world, so many more people have it harder than you and here you complaining about your oh so sorrowful life. I'm sorry I'm not enough to make you happy you selfish bitch," You remembered what your girlfriend had been screaming about earlier.
You had just told her about your bad day at work, disregarding and disrespecting your feelings she made you feel guilty about the day you had. She had told you that so many other people had it worse than you. You tried so many times to tell her about your feelings but every single time they were talked about she wouldn't careless. You felt like you couldn't talk to anyone. You felt hopeless of your girlfriend changing and seeing life in your eyes so you went to your favorite bakery.
  You breathed in the smell of fresh baked bread and cookies, the warmth of the bakery surrounded you and you took of your coat, the place didn't seem to be that busy today except for two people sitting at a table in the corner of the bakery. Was it really a bakery? It was more like a cafe but their goods were always fresh and warm and stuff was always being baked.
"Ah! Y/n! How are you?" You look up.
  "Hello Janna I'm fine how are you?" Janna was one of the people who worked at this bakery café.
  "Just fine? I'm okay, what can I get you for today? Your regular?" You nodded.
  "Yes please," You smiled.
  She nodded walking away from you, you had gotten accustomed to faking a smile, your girlfriend had stolen all your happiness from you. She made you stressed and insecure but you hid it well.
  "'re a regular huh? Mind telling us what's good around here? It's our first time coming here," You look over seeing a girl with purple highlights her friend doesn't look too happy that she started talking to you.
  "Yeah, I live around here so I usually come here, anyway, everything's good here. I tried everything at least once," Your girlfriends voice could be heard calling you a fat bitch from a mile away. Your smile faltered a little remembering the day she called you that, you shook it off quickly.
  "Really? How long have you lived around here?" The girl asked.
  "I moved in with my girlfriend around here 5 and a half years ago," The girl nodded.
  "What's your girlfriend like?" You feel a little uncomfortable.
  "Im not trying to be rude but you're asking a lot of questions," You say.
  "See, she's getting annoyed by your pestering," Her friend said a French accent evident when she spoke.
  "Ey! I'm just trying to make a new friend," She replied. "I'm Olivia, what's your name?"
  The lady sitting next to her looked like she wanted to hit her, "I'm Y/n."
  "Nice to meet you, Y/n," She smiled.
  "Here you are," You look over at Janna.
   "Thanks Jan," You said grabbing your wallet.
   "Nope! It's on the house," Janna said.
   "What? Why?" You questioned.
   "Y/n I've known you long enough to know that the reason you come here is to lift your spirits after a bad day with your girlfriend, and today seemed worse for some reason. Just take it I don't want you spending money I just want you to enjoy yourself," Janna sincere smile told you everything was okay and you sighed your smile dropping.
  "Okay...thank you Janna," You said.
  She nods walking away.
  "Bad day with your girlfriend? Man, what happened?" Olivia asked.
  "Sombra!" You heard the French lady whisper yell.
  "She got mad at me because I had a bad day at work, said that others have it worse then me and I shouldn't be so selfish," You sighed biting into your pastry.
  "Sounds like she's a little bitch," Your eyes widen.
  You swallow the bite of pastry, "You don't agree with her?"
  "No, everyone has it bad everywhere doesn't make it right for her to act like you're the most perfect person in the world with zero problems," You nodded.
  "Yeah..." You trailed off you had more to say but you didn't have time to finish before your phone rang.
  You looked at it seeing a text from your girlfriend, you sighed, "I have to go, but it was nice meeting you Olivia and you too I guess Olivia's friend."
  "We're not friends."
  "Alright, see you out there," You nod and walked away.
You sighed sitting in the empty bathtub, arms wrapped around your knees, your face had stung in pain. Your girlfriend had thrown an empty glass bottle at you and it scratched you across your face. It wouldn't scar but it would take forever to heal. What did I do this time? Did I go out without her permission? Or maybe disobeyed her one too many times again. You had thought ashamed of yourself. Your phone rang just when you were about to get outta the tub.
Olivia read the Caller ID, that's weird when did I give her my phone number?
You picked up, "Hello?"
"Heya, what's up girly?" Her familiar voice ran through the voice, it sounded exhausted but at the same time excited.
"Um...not much," You said standing up and finally getting out of the tub going towards the bathroom mirror.
"You wanna hang out?" She asked.
"I would but," You winced when you saw your face in the mirror, "I would but I don't think my girlfriend would like it."
"I don't think that'll be a problem." You would question that later but for now you pulled open the medicine cabinet underneath the sink and dressed your wound.
"Okay, so what're we going to do?" You ask.
"Nothing really just gonna take a night walk, no worries I'll protect you," You smiled she had convinced you.
"Alright, I'll see you in thirty minutes I'll send you my address," You say.
"Okie doke see you soon," And with that you hung up, sighing as you quickly got ready.
You open your front door smiling at the girl you patiently waited for you, "Wow you look nice."
"Is that a surprise?" You ask.
"Pfft! Cocky," Olivia smiles at you.
"I didn't mean it like that," You reply.
"I know," She says, "but anyway let's get going?"
"Where to?" You question.
"You'll see," She replies.
You nod as you two start to walk.
"So...there's something I should tell you," That's not a good sign, everyone who's ever told you that always has bad news.
"Um...okay?" You trail off.
"So, as you might know, your girlfriend went out tonight to hang out with her friends," How'd she know that?
"Yeah...what about it? Also how'd you know that?" You question.
"Well whenever she does say that she's not actually going out with her 'friends'," fuck...what is she talking about?
"Your girlfriend made many enemies one of those enemies was me and my friends," You felt your throat tighten.
"You have every right to be scared but I'mma pull a Reiner and admit that I'm part of talon and so is my friend from the cafe," Olivia looks away from you.
"Talon..." You repeated.
"Your girlfriend made the wrong move and so my friend and I had to take care of her," You couldn't say a thing but you started to cry. You didn't hate your girlfriend but you didn't feel happy either.
"I don't want to hurt you, I've been spying over you the past year, and I know that sounds creepy, but I want you to be happy," She says.
"Olivia...what're you getting at?" You question.
"I'm saying...I want you to come with me, be with me, I know it doesn't seem like a good idea now, but I promise you I'll never ever put my hands on you," You don't know how to react, all of this is happening too fast for you to process.
"I don't think you can deny this offer because if my friend knows I told you and you denied she would kill you," Sombra said. You only trembled in your spot.
"I mean I wouldn't ever hurt you like she would after all how did you get that scratch on your face?" You looked up at her. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice? You did a good job covering it with makeup but I could see it."
"Mmph..." You can't speak, "Do you mean what you say?"
"Trust takes time I know, but I really want you to trust me," She says.
"So where will we be going?" You wonder.
"Um..I honestly didn't think I'd get this far." She scratches the back of her neck.
  "I don't really think I have a choice to say no," You say.
   "Hah...yeah. Well my friend and I don't leave until tomorrow night so we might as well just go to your place now," Sombra says.
  "Okay.." You mumble.
   "We can go to that café tomorrow if you want." She says.
   You nod while Olivia looked away from you lost in her own world now, damn Widow's not going to be too happy about this.

   Okay here's just a brief summary if you didn't understand the oneshot. So Y/n's abusive girlfriend was working with talon and created enemies along the way. She had messed up and Amelie and Olivia were tasked to kill her. But Olivia knew about Y/n and her girlfriend after doing some research on her for the past year. Olivia had fallen in love with Y/n after internet stalking her and wanted to protect her from her girlfriend well now ex girlfriend.
  That's a little confusing, but anyway thank you for requesting, reading, and hopefully you enjoyed.

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