Shinobu x Shy! Demon Reader

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Requested by BoneyBob
(Not spell or grammar checked)

Shinobu grits her teeth, her one hand clenching and the other one gripping at her katana so tight her knuckles turn white. Why was she so angry? She was rethinking her hatred for demons. They stole from her and now she could never be the same. Her sister gone because of demons. All of them deserved death for killing hundreds of humans. For taking people away from their families, their friends, their lives. She sighs unclenching her jaw and her grip loosens.
She was on her way to find a demon and kill it. This said demon lived in a forest in a mountain. Although with the dark light shown in from the moon lighting Shinobu's lavender eyes. She had got news from a villager who lived on the side of the mountain away from the forest that they spotted a weird looking "human" who took them in after they got lost.
The "human" had fed them and let them stay the night, but the villager said they had weird looking eyes and markings all across their body. The villager had woke the next day and hadn't seen the "human" since, but Shinobu knew that that "human" was no human at all. They had probably poisoned the poor villager with the food they gave them in order to kill then eat them.
  "Where are you?" Shinobu muttered angered, why would a demon decide that they would poison someone and then eat them she had no clue. It didn't work which was good, perhaps the human was immune to that type of poison. Who cares? Shinobu thinks, That demon was still trying to harm that villager, they deserve what'll happen to them.
Taking one more step, Shinobu finds a cave within the mountain and steps in. She takes a whiff of the air, smelling something that she thought was familiar. Soba? She pondered. What type of demon makes soba instead of searching for lives to steal?
  Stepping further in she can hear fire crackling, then spots a person hunched over it feeding the fire twigs.
  "Hello," The person jumps up. "My apologies I didn't mean to make you scared but I'm looking fo-"
A demon...Shinobu's eyes widen for a second as the demon backs up a little. Are they not going to attack me? Are they not going to attempt to eat me?
Shinobu shakes off the shock and her face returns to her usual smile, "Hello there, how are you?"
  The demon stays silent, it appears almost shy. Almost.
  "To start a conversation there is usually two people talking, it's very rude to ignore someone," Shinobu tilts her head lightly but her grip on her katana returns.
  "Just like you demons, all rude, how many people have you hurt demon? Can you remember?" Shinobu asks.
  "...t-three.." The demon replies.
  "Tsk, tsk, tsk, far too many...oh well I guess I'll just avenge them, did you know if those people had any family? Hm? Do you realize how badly you hurt their family?" Shinobu's voice although not angry her body fills with venom, she's pissed off.
  "..I took away my mother, my father, and my sister...that was it...But it was always just us four we had no other family. I never meant to hurt them..." The demon said sorrow in their voice.
"So, you still stole them from their lives," Shinobu walks closer.
  "I know...I don't blame you for wanting to kill me, but how about you eat first?" Shinobu flinches.
  "What?" Shinobu asks.
  "...I want you to eat with me first, I want my last dish to be my favorite noodle, then you can kill me if you wouldn't mind?" Shinobu didn't understand this demon.
  "Fine." She agreed. "We can have a meal together then I get to kill you," Shinobu was not anything but polite.
  "Alright then, have a seat all get you a bowl. It's not often I get visitors," The demon seemed rather happy.
   "Are you planning on poisoning me with udon?" Shinobu asks.
  "No, if I did then the water would've probably boiled the poison out by now," The demon replies.
  Shinobu nods, "Okay."
"My name is Y/n L/n...I know you didn't ask, but I thought it would make you feel better to at least know someone's name before you eat with them," The dem- Y/n says.
  "I'm Shinobu Kocho..." Why was she doing this? She should just end the demon here.
   "Nice to meet you," Y/n says grabbing the spoon from the pot above the fire then putting soba in a wooden bowl. She hands it to Shinobu who accepts it.
  "I'm sure your venture up my mountain made you hungry, eat as much as you like." You smile.
  "Thank you," Shinobu says dryly.
  You then get a bowl for yourself sitting down and eating with Shinobu.
  "Y/n...why are you in this mountain?" Shinobu asks. You falter your smile fading.
  "Although I don't want to hurt humans, I still have a demons bloodlust. But I'm up in the mountains hiding myself from humans. I don't want to hurt anymore. My parents and sister were a mistake. I had no control of myself." You stop for a minute looking away. "But that's no excuse. I still hurt and killed them..."
  "Do you feel guilty?" Shinobu asks.
  "Everyday...everyday I wonder what would've happened if I wasn't turned into a monster. Maybe my little sister would've married and had children with someone she loved, maybe my father and mother would've grown old with each other, maybe I would've fallen in love too. Hah...I can't..."
Shinobu wonders what's happening, for the first time in her life a demon is feeling guilt for killing. Maybe this is some sort of trick she thinks but when she looks up she sees tears trickling down Y/n's face.
  "I hate myself everyday for doing what I did...but it's okay now because now I'm getting what I deserve. I'm ready, I'm ready for you to kill me. Please do it quick." Shinobu looks up while Y/n stands.
  "I should tell me more of your life," Shinobu says, "Perhaps I'll share some of mine."
  "..." Y/n doesn't reply, but she does sit back down.
  "How old was your sister?" Shinobu asks.
  "She was about 8...almost 9. She was younger then me...she had so much energy my parents barely knew what to do with her. But I always was willing to be there for her, to play outside with her after my chores and dance around whenever she wanted to. She loved music..." Y/n says. "She told me one day that she hoped to be some sort of musician when she was older."
Shinobu nods, "I had an older sister..."
  Y/n looks at Shinobu, "What was she like?"
  "Smart, and kind, and beautiful. I never knew her motives. She loved taking care of people. She loved me." Shinobu says.
  "She sounds lovely," Y/n responds.
  "She was but demons like you stole her from me," Shinobu spits venom. 
   Y/n falters not being to reply, Shinobu looks at     Y/n.
  "I-I'm sorry." Shinobu says.
  "It's okay I understand your anger." Y/n replies.
   "I don't want to kill you," Shinobu admits.
"What?!" Y/n flushes in embarrassment, she's never spoken that loud, at least not anymore.
"You understand guilt and you've suffered in this life enough. Being alive was your punishment. Death isn't." Shinobu states.
"I...when...after I ate my family I somehow woke up, I realized what I did...I cried for days. I never could them back because of what I did, you understand that don't you?" Shinobu nods.
"Unfortunately we're very much alike..." Shinobu laughs pitifully and then Y/n joins in.
Shinobu sets her bowl of soba down getting up,
"Y/n... I like talking to you, so I'll be back to visit you again. I hope you don't mind."
"Of course I don't, I get so lonely anyway," Y/n smiles.

Ever since that day Shinobu and you have been able to get closer. She never understood why, but she could never bring herself to harm you. She understood your feelings, your life. Now and again or more like once a week she would visit you. For someone who hated demons she could never hate you.

   I really liked your idea, BoneyBob , so now I wrote about it for the past hour. I should really come back to this story but I've been rather afraid to write now a days. Just a little self conscience. Anyway thank you for requesting and thank you for reading.

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