Pyrrha Nikos x Manticore Reader

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Requested by Ukibori_Lemonhart
(Not spell or grammar checked)

Requested by Ukibori_Lemonhart (Not spell or grammar checked)

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  Being a manticore faunus did have It's perks; manticore faunus they are very very rare and you were very lucky to be one, but not at all lucky for others or to be around humans. Your mother would notice how they would stare at you and her like you were too dangerous to be here and around the other children.
  They always thought less of you two to the point something dangerous could happen, so your mother decided to secretly buy a house in menagerie and soon you two would live there, but for now enjoy your time with your friends in Argus.
Well...friend every other kid was too scared of you except for the one and only Pyrrha Nikos. Pyrrha had been there since you both were two, she wasn't scared of you, she knew you under all the myths or secrets or gossip about you. While you two played together at your favorite park your mother worried about how she would break the news about you two leaving.
You ran around and jumped and played until you felt exhausted. Pyrrha was just as tired as you were so when her mom came to pick her up you two were sitting with you mom asleep on her shoulder and lap. Your mom carefully pet your hair and smiled at Pyrrha's mom as she took Pyrrha.
Your mother than took you in your arms and carried you away to a new life away from your childhood best friend without even a proper goodbye.

You always regretted leaving Pyrrha, but years later you were on your way to beacon. It was the dream school you and Pyrrha always wanted to go to to become huntresses. You trained for years; building your athleticism, skill, and courage. No more feeling sorry for yourself for being a manticore faunus.
You nearly gulped at the sight of the massive school, you followed the professor who was showing you to your locker.
"This is your locker, you will use it to keep your weapon in it and send it to your location and-" You didn't listen to the next part. You just stared at the others that looked at you, trying to spot a certain redhead hoping it was your childhood best friend. The memories you could remember of Pyrrha were always filled with her smile that would put the sun to shame, her laugh that would make the world bounce with joy, and her bright red strawberry hair.
You smiled looking down at your shoes before someone bumped into you. You quickly looked at them.
"Hey look guys a new freak to tease." He and his group of small dicks chuckled at your annoyed expression.
You stared at them unimpressed and realized that the professor walked away leaving you with them. thought.
The guy then tried to reach for your scorpion tail in which you grabbed his hand and yanked him down.
"Don't touch what's not yours." You say.
His group of idiots decided that they should grab their weapons and-
"Cardin please just go to class we don't want you to be late. After all didn't Professor Goodwitch say if you were to be late to her class again your father would be called." Your lion ears flicked towards the voice, it was somewhat familiar. You weren't paying attention but "Cardin" and his friends ran off pushing past you.
"Are you okay-"
You look up at the voice; your eyes widened and your mouth gapes.
"Pyrrha..." She stares at you with the exact same shock.
"Y/n?!" You chuckle a little before gasping as you're lifted up into the air. Oh damn...
She spins you a little holding you tightly as you stare in admiring shock. When she puts you down she stares at you; she wipes the unexpected tears from her eyes.
"It really is you..." You smile letting out a shaky breath.
She chuckles before nodding, "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too...and I'm sorry. I didn't get to say goodbye because I didn't know. My mom just wanted us to move away because she was worried about me and my future and-"
"I know...I know my mom told me." Pyrrha responded. "I'm just so glad we can catch up...I missed you so much."
You tilt your head, "You look...different just a little. You used to keep your hair down."
"Well yeah I did but it got caught in my armor." She replied.
"Armor?" You questioned.
"There's so much I have to say to you, so much I need to tell you."
"Well now we have time and I can't wait to know you all over again."


I'll leave the rest to your imagination. I changed it up a little I think, but now I'm just gonna take pictures of your ideas and requests because it'll be easier to memorize. I don't want it to seem like I came up with these ideas and am taking credit for them. Thank you for reading.

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