Female Orc

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Female Reader (She/Her) x Female Orc
Word count: 1336

   Sharn had been and still was the grand protector of your small village. The people of all kinds welcomed her, the town officials loved her, and so did the women.

   Perhaps that was an exaggeration, the women were practically head over heals for her. She was the whole package; strong, beautiful, tall. Who wouldn't want her? And every time she would wonder into the pub where you had worked women had always been surrounding her like she was the last sweet breath of oxygen they could take.

   Maybe that's what got her so interested in you. You hadn't paid any mind to her being the charmer or the town. You were a good friend to her and of course you had thoughts of being with her, but she only wished to be friends. That's what you convinced yourself otherwise.

   Over the years of knowing her you had witnessed her leaving with countless different women. Even then you had minded your own business, but deep down you wished entirely that it was you. Sharn didn't seem to be the type to want a serious relationship it would just be a fling. That's why she would flirt with you, maybe it was a mission to have a fling with all the women in the village.

   You could only laugh at that thought, she had basically bed with every women in this godforsaken village, but you.

   "Well if it isn't my favorite little bartender?" You look up from the glass that you've been furiously scrubbing for a good five minutes thinking of the orc woman.

    "Hello Sharn," You smile, "I hope your travels were safe, considering you're here now."

    She chuckles, "They were. I've got to tell you about this massive boar I had to fight, but first may I have my usual Ale pretty lady?"

    "Perhaps if you say please." You reply.

   "Snarky as ever, Y/n." She clears her throat in an exaggerative way. "May I please have your finest Ale my good lady?"

    "I don't know you've yet to pizzazz me." You respond sarcastically.

    "Hmm..." Sharn had never been one to beg for anything, not even crossing between whining, the orc had a thing for being overly masculine. You get out a glass and start to pour the Ale in it. She grabs your hand.

   You look at her, "Something wrong?"

   Her thumb runs over your fingers. "I'm curious."

   She looks up at you, "Why don't you have a ring on your finger yet?"

    "I-" You fingers pull away from her. "Oh you know...this village is only full of so many people."

   "And not one of them has found an interest in you? That's absurd!"

    You shrug, "You were saying about a boar?"

   "Don't try and change the topic. I know many pleasant men that I'd be happy to set you up with!"

    "Men?" You question. Did Sharn really think you were interested in being with a man?

   "Men. Man. As many as you want! They should be kneeling to kiss the ground you walk on."

   "...ha!" You had suddenly bursted out laughing. "Oh Sharn you're such a delight."

    She tilts her head, a bright smile on her face. "So...what do you say?"

   "I say that I don't want to date anyone right now."

   "Anyone? Not even a big strong female orc?" She asked.

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