Emerald x Reader

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Soulmate Au
Requested by DevilishMan87
(Not spell or grammar checked)

Didn't know which Au to do so I went with this one..Color Au - Everyone is born without the ability to see color The first time you touch your soulmate you obtain the ability to see color.

"One thing you need to know Emerald," Cinder says walking up to emerald, "Soulmates are cheap you don't need love and don't want it."
Emerald nods, "Right."


"Y/n! You stole my food again didn't you?!"
"Yes I did!" You shouted back at Nora.
"Ohoho start running!" Nora grabbed her hammer and you nodded.
"Yep!" You ran off.
"I told you it wasn't the best idea to eat Nora's food!" Pyrrha yelled you only laughed as Nora chased you.
"I don't want to be rude but I told you so Y/n," Pyrrha said you were in the infirmary Nora dislocated your shoulder.
You laughed, "It was worth it."
"Oh jeez..." Pyrrha sighed out.
"I love Nora and making her pissed it's fun," You say.
"Alright whatever you say...well I'm going to relocate your shoulder so just," Pyrrha grabbed your arm and pushed your shoulder back in place, you winced.
"Thanks Pyrrha," You say holding your shoulder.
"Of course," Pyrrha gets up.
"Dang...What should I do to make Nora mad now? I already ate her pancake leftovers," You question.
"How about, nothing?" Pyrrha shakes her head.
You get up and walk out with Pyrrha, "Nah..."
"Hmm?" Pyrrha looks down at her wrist, "I have to go I promised Jaune I'd go on a date with him after school."
You nod, "Okay see ya later."
Pyrrha runs off saying a goodbye before she does. You look at your wrist, everyone has their soulmate why don't I? You sigh.
   In truth you were the only one in your friend group who didn't know your soulmate it made you lonely. Your mother always said you'll meet your soulmate when the times right, but what if the time never comes? What if you'll be lonely forever? What if you'll never see colors ever? Of course you had girlfriends (and boyfriends), but they always left you when they figured who their soulmate was leaving you lonely and unloved.
Life finds a way, your mother said, but you didn't like her advice or words of encouragement anyway. You walked down the hallway to your dorm, putting your hand on the door knob but, someone tapped your shoulder.
"Excuse me but do you know where we can find out dorm room?" You looked at the person they had black hair and amber eyes, her associates right behind her.
"Oh yeah...are you a senior?" You ask and she shakes her head no.
"No, but I do get that a lot," She says, "I'm Cinder, these are my teammates Emerald and Mercury."
"Y/n, nice meeting you guys," She nods giving you the piece of paper with her team's schedule and dorm room on it.
"It's two floors up," You look at her smiling and she smiles back...well not really a smile back it seemed rather forced. She walked off with her teammates right behind her, you looked at your wrist noticing that your soulmate's heart beat was beating faster than normal, you shrugged walking into your dorm.
Next day
"How could you!?" Nora said fake hurt cursing into her words.
"I'm sorry Ren's pancakes are just too delicious!" You say with the same dramatic tone.
"They were mine!" Nora yelled.
  "Well I ate them anyway Ren can make you more!" You say.
"Y/n," You look away from Nora.
"Oh hey Cinder," You smile, "What's up?"
  "Can my team sit with you and your friends?" She asks.
You nod, "Go ahead the table has space left."
"Thank you," Cinder said sitting down next to you Emerald in front of you and Mercury to the right of Emerald.
"Well I could've split them with you you greedy bitch!" Nora yelled and you gasped dramatically.
"You insult me so Nora," You look at her.
"Well it's true, you're a greedy bitch," Nora says and you stick your tongue out at her, Emerald keeps looking at you and Nora confused.
"Are you guys okay?" Emerald asked and You laughed.
  "We do this all the time, I ate her food yesterday and now we're 'fighting,'" You smile putting parentheses on fighting.
Emerald nodded, "Well I guess you deserve to be yelled at stealing some else's food is just not right."
You gasped laughing, "How dare you?"
Emerald laughed a little, Cinder made a fake coughing noise getting Emeralds attention, Emerald looked at her than looked away from you. You look at Cinder. Controlling much?
"Well...um...Where's team RWBY?" You look at Nora.
"They decided they didn't want to have lunch here so they went on a double date," (Whatever ships you want just not enabler) Nora said.
You nod, "What fun."
"Oh c,mon Y/n you'll find your soulmate soon I have a feeling," Nora says.
"Thanks Nora," You smile.
"Why try?" Emerald asks, "Soulmates are a cheap excuse for love."
You shrug, "I know."
  "But it feels good to be loved and to spread love," Nora smiles.
  "That's true," You say nodding.
"Well Emerald wouldn't know what that's like she's never been hugged in her life," Mercury says laughing at the end, Emerald groans rolling her eyes.
"Really?" You ask.
"Yeah I have not been hugged before, but you didn't need to bring it up Mercury!" Emerald looks at Mercury.
"Do you want a hug?" You ask.
"What? No!" Emerald says.
"C,mon! C,mere and let me hug you," You say.
"No, You come here!" Emerald pouts.
"Fine," You shrug getting up and going to the other side of the table to hug her.
"Wait really?" Emerald says getting up.
"Yep," You smile you move your arms out she hesitates, but she eventually does wrapping her arms around you.
"This is nice," She mumbles both of your eyes are closed, but when you reel back and lock eyes you can see the bright red of Emeralds eyes.
"Holy shit..." You mumble.

  In all honesty I love Emerald, Cinder, and Mercury (and neo), I wish I could write more about them, but anyway hopefully you enjoyed. I think I updated already today but I have nothing else to do than to write.

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