One of the detectives asked her the questions, she didn't want a lawyer, and she answered way to honestly.

One of the questions was the basis of this whole thing, he asked her if she left us to fend for ourselves at the house with no adult supervision for a long period of time.

Her literal answer was, yes, but only for 2 years.

The whole interview was like that, so no matter what her lawyer tries pull in court, they have the video evidence to prove my claims were right.

I stand up from the floor and walk over to Hotchner, sitting in front of him.

He sighs, but doesn't look up from the files he was reading through, "Yes Cortes?" he questions.

"Tate," I correct, "And I was wondering if it was fine that I take off tomorrow?"

He looks up from his paperwork and studies me slightly, "Why?" he asks.

I keep my face casual, "Just some family stuff I need to take care of,"

He keeps his fierce eye contact with me for a few more seconds before nodding, "Ya, I'll call Cruz and make sure, but I'm sure that's fine," he says, looking back at his files as if to dismiss me.

I nod and stand up, walking back over to the chair I was sitting in front of, before plopping back down on the ground.


"Okay, I'm trying to understand this, you want to take your two siblings into guardianship well your only 18 and have a full time job?" the defense attorney asks me, before turning to the jury.

"Yes, and your wanting to send my two siblings back into a unstable home were my little brother doesn't even trust his own mom, and were a suspected gang member lives?" I question calmly, raising an eyebrow at him.

He ignores my question and continues, "So where would the kids stay well your at work, what would happen to them if you die in duty?" he asks, faking concern.

I give him a sarcastic smile, "The same thing I've been doing since I was 16, my friend is a nanny after all, and as for the other question, I don't plan and dying anytime soon, but if I do, I already have a plan, one that since it doesn't matter at this very second, you don't need to know," I say confidently, staring him down.

He scoffs, "See you have no plan if you were going to die, those kids need stability-"



"Which they have with me, not someone they barely know," I snap, this guy is really pissing me off.

"Your a 18 year old, those kids need a more stable family, and sure Ms. Delvin left for a bit, but she's here now, she's ready to mother," he proclaims, pointing to my mom.

I let out a small chuckle, "Was there a question in there or," I trail off making him turn red.

"See, look at that, your just an arrogant teena-" 

"Objection, irrelevant,"

The judge slams her gavel down, "Ask a question or rest your case Mr. Lambent," he instructs.

The lawyer looks back at me, to which I raise my eyebrows causing him to straighten out his suit jacket and walk over to my mother, "I rest my case," he mutters defeatedly.

"Alright, both the prosecution and the defense have now rested there cases. The attorneys will now present their final arguments. Please remember what the attorneys say is NOT evidence. However, listen closely, what they say is intended to aid you in understanding the case." the judge says once I'm in my seat, "Prosecution, you may begin,"

"Thank you, your honor, ladies and ge,"

I really blanked out as they spoke, focused on nothing in particular but this being over.

"Members of the jury, you have heard all of the testimony concerning this case. It is now up to you to determine the facts. You and you alone, are judges of the fact. Once you decide what facts the evidence proves, you must apply the laws I give you to the facts as you find them,"

"Reckless Disregard and Child Abuse and Neglect,"

After the judge spoke the Bailiff takes over, "All rise," he says, before grabbing the verdict paper from the judge, leading the jury to the deliberation room.

Once the jury came back and sat down the judge looks at them, "Have you reached a verdict?" he questions.

The jury foreperson stood up, "We have your honor,"

"What say you?" the judge recites. 

The foreperson stood up taller and spoke carefully, "We the jury, in the case of The State of Virginia versus Melanie Linn Delvin, find the defendant guilty of all charges including Reckless Disregard and Child Abuse and Neglect, and approve the guardianship of the minors involved to Tatum Sophia Cortes."

"Thank you jury for your service today, Court is adjourned," the judge proclaims, slamming his gavel down.

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