Chapter 11: Cast Promo

Start from the beginning

"White Chocolate Mocha. Does that violate some kind of code I didn't know about?" I said. He looked at me but didn't answered for a few seconds.

".....I'll get back to you on that." He started talking loudly to avoid the subject and I couldn't hold in a laugh. "So we're suppose to be asking her questions. And I have some right here" he motioned the attention to small pieces of paper in his hands. "so let's get started. For real this time." He waited for the sounds of our laughs to die down a bit. "Veronica, what's a quote or advice some one has given you, that you'll always remember?"

I took a few seconds to think. "Have you read Doctor Sleep by Stephen King?" I asked to no one in particular. "'Cause, in that book, there are some old AA sayings that I really like. One of them, I can't say 'cause we're on camera but, the other one is 'FEAR stands for Face Everything And Recover' and I like the irony of it." I said. They all looked intrigued by my sudden seriousness but it didn't last long after I completed my answer. "That, and YOLO." They started laughing and I kept talking. "I think the message behind that is really powerful and is something worth living by because...." I didn't finished the sentence and they kept staring at me, wanting me to end it. "...yolo." We started laughing again. If some one were to find us right now and not know what's happening, they would think we knew each other of years.

"Alright. Last question." Michael said. "Do you have any tattoos?"

"Yeah I do. I actually have two. I have a treble and bass clef tattoo on my left rib cage. And a Bat-sign on my upper back, in between my shoulders." They looked surprised.

"No way!" Steven said and before I could answer, he took my hair, flipped it to the side and slightly tugged on my shirt to see it. "Ahhh cool!!"

"Okay. We're gonna leave him geeking over Veronica's tattoo." Said Zach. "But thanks for watching and remember to watch The Vampire Diaries every Thursday at 8 on Cw."


Last interview of the day was about to start and this one was with Kat and Ian.

Don't ask me how, but I ended up siting on one end of the couch, Kat on the other and Ian in the middle. His arm was resting on the back of the couch behind me. And I could feel him playing with my hair but I decided to ignore it.

Kat brought her legs up, sat on top of them and moved her body to face Ian and I. Once again, they introduced themselves and me to the camera and explained what we were about to do. Kat started with the questioning right after that.

"Veronica, what has impressed you the most so far?"

"Honestly, all the people I've had the opportunity to work with. I thought it was gonna be the whole they-look-nice-but-when-you-actually-meet-them-they're-" I was about to finish that word before I rememberer I couldn't so I changed it. "Not-nice-at-all cliche." I said. They noticed I was about to say 'assholes' and started laughing at what I said instead. "But, that wasn't the case. I mean," I 'secretly' pointed at Ian and murmured sarcastically "that was the case with this guy but," I returned to a average tone, "the rest of the cast has really surprised me."

Ian gave a look that said 'ah not this again' and followed on the joke. "Oh come one! I'm a ray of sunshine." He said in his defense.

"Alright I take it back. You're a piece of rainbow." I said and Ian gave me one of his looks as Kat laughed at our's occurrences.

"And don't you forget it." He said. He repositioned himself on the couch and gave my hair one full stroke before returning to his original twirling motion.

"And how are you liking the acting life?" Kat asked.

"Well I'm not complaining. I have to say it is nice to know how it feels after the auditioning process." I answered. They chuckled.

"But, wait. Veronica, you're a dancer too right?" Kat asked.

"Actually yeah. I am." I answered shyly.

"I knew it." She said. "You got that dancers body." She said confidently. Ian immediately looked me up and down and a smirk grew on his face. I could feel my cheeks going red instantly.

"And last question," said Kat. "what are you most looking forward to?"

"I guess I'm looking forward to learn something new and to get to know the cast a little better. You guys are really close and have that family feeling that I'd like to be a part of, some day. I've never seen a group of people being this close and comfortable with each other. And no," I spoke directly to the camera now. "They are not paying me to say that." I heard Julie laughing in the background. "All though," I made a face as if a was considering the idea of being paid to say nice stuff. I looked at Julie's direction. "Julie, we need to talk!" I said and the whole crew started laughing along. I smiled and quickly took that last remark back before some one took it too seriously.

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