The Boro Bobcat or the Bladen Panther

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This creature based on the legendary BladenBoro

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This creature based on the legendary BladenBoro

this eight legged cat is literally a bas*** I'm sorry but I'm just shock with this creature and that's saying a lot because I was the one who made it.

These big cats can survive anywhere but they prefers to live in places with temperate forests of mountains( places were they can climb a lot is there favorite place to live). These beasts are deadly fast, they stand 2.5 meters tall on there hide legs. They have great hearing, incredible eyesight, and roars deadly loud. It's roar can be loud enough to hurt anyone's ears when its bothered.

These beast are well known for having certain targets. They have been know to sniff out evil spirits and literally destroy them. They have even been know to kill humans who were trying to contact evil spirits. Many story's about these creatures helping hero's overcome obstacles. There unstoppable determination, there unbreakable fighting spirit. These creatures get the job done, when they are hungry they hunt prey down in a snap. Just being in the presence of one makes anyone feel like they can do anything.

Even with there dark fur they can hide well. Like they were never there to begin with. Theories have been going around that they can camouflage with the environment as if there fur coat can help them turn invisible. These creatures are just clouded with mysteries. Ancient tribes have cave wall carvings of these beasts fight a giant centipede like monster coming from what is believed to be some sort of portal, Or carvings have these beast guarding the portals, and many of these beasts fighting monsters with ancient warriors.

There 4 eyes are made for each part of the day, one pair is for daylight, and the front pair is for nighttime or doesn't close its eyes when certain amount of light is around but it just focuses through the eyesight it needs the most. Although when they are young they do close one pair to use they other. When fully grown they can just focus through different pair of eyes without needing to keep them close.

Even thou they have eight legs they stay in unison as if they run with four legs. But when climbing, fighting, or lying down they are spread out. These creatures are amazing  climbers thanks to there extra limbs, this allows them to literally climb so fast it's like there running in the trees.

Thou these beasts can kill anyone and anything in seconds they aren't hostile. They are actually don't bother anyone or anything unless it attacks them. So basically don't mess around with the boro bobcat, cause they will take you down before you could even see it happen. But normally they don't attack people, but they will if they have too.

These powers creatures have been known to get along very well with other big cats and only attack when they attack first. Or if it is a fight for a mate.

Even thou these creatures can be found everywhere it is still rare to see them.

Some primitive human civilization have been known to have these guys as pets for there survive in this strange and dangerous world.

To train a wild Blauden Panther you need to show it that you are willing to help and empower others, and show your strength. If they start following you around you have a partner for life and they will be willing to sacrifice there life for you as long as you are willing to do The same for it. Once you befriend a Blauden Panther then you have a best friend for life.

You think I'm done oh no there's more, they also have the intelligence similar to chimpanzees!!! Yep these guys are smart, they are problems solvers, they can even figure out if a human can be trusted or not with just one look. So if your Boro bobcat don't like somebody you better listen to them, it could save your life.

If they need to get away or return to hiding they roar loud enough to make anything have a severe headache allowing them to vanish without a trace. These roars can be heard from miles away and no matter how far away the noise is, or if you could barely hear it , you will get a bad headache.

If a human kills there human friend they will become so heart broken that they would hunt you down and never stop, not even for food, until they avenge there deaths. After that they become sad, and empty inside. But even when they lose there friends they still find the courage to keep moving forward.

Some say these creatures are not immortal but there has never been a body of one ever found, or any reports of a killed Boro Bobcats.  Some say that they are already dead and actually spirits themselves, who can take a physical form. (Another theory to why they disappear and reappear from no where? We may never know the answer.)

I made this creature not because it is based on the Beast of Blaudenboro but also because I think Black panthers are just so Awesome.

I made this creature not because it is based on the Beast of Blaudenboro but also because I think Black panthers are just so Awesome

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