Blubber-Shore Whale

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This beast can grow to around 90 ft long, and weighs around 115 tons

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This beast can grow to around 90 ft long, and weighs around 115 tons.

The blubber-shore whale is one of the hardest mammal sea life that is extremely hard to kill, but at the end it's loot is worth it. The blubber and fattening meat that it has is very delicious a nutritious when properly cooked.

Due to there skin they can spend very long periods of time out of water. There skin takes a lot longer to dry sense there bodies can contain much water.

They are so hard to kill because they are very aggressive, strong, Fast, and can swim for extremely long period of time.

There behavior is very similar to whales and seals.

The blubber-shore whales diet consists of sharks, Jellyfish, Saltwater crocodiles, eels, sea snakes, needle fish, Barracuda, Giant squids, And many other kinds of sea predators.

It's a very peaceful creature unless you attack it then it will go savage and attack back viciously. They can attack large prey by swimming far below there prey then they swim very fast up towards there prey so they can get a good  bite at them as hey hop out of the water. When these creatures are around the surface they taught there prey by swimming near the surface showing just there fins like a shark would. This causes other creatures to be caucuse because when these creatures are show them just there fins as the swim it's there way of saying stay out of my way or I'll eat you.

Thankful these creatures are not group living creatures, they are extremely territorial. Unless it's time for migration which is when these creatures gather together and to become a part of a family. When the migration is over these creatures will return to there homes and if they are females they will lay there eggs in the sand. Since these creatures are very powerful and they can lay about 100 eggs. They will abandoned there off spring. Since these creatures abandoned there offspring it can give other predators an advantage to a snake. Like the sauropods, these whales eggs are very small, and takes a very long time for them to grow into giants. The baby's will be about the size of a little squirrel, and it would take 20 or 50 years for these creatures to grow to a juvenile which is the same size as an adult.

These creatures have strong hide making it hard to throw spears of shoot them but there underbelly is very soft, making it the perfect spot to attack first.

Sometimes other predators will simply attack this creature and tear off pieces of the creatures. Making them able to feed off this creature without killing it. Sometimes sharks would attack these whale real quick then swim away with a piece of the creatures meat. Sometimes doing this will cause more sharks to appear and enter a feeding frenzy. But in order to do that they would have to get past the anger whale first.

These creatures can be on land like how a seal can, they use there clawed fins and tail to help them move on land. When they are on land there attacks are similar to how an elephant seal attacks. On land they use there own weight to attack. These creatures often go on land to rest, or to peaceful socialize with others of its kind. But on land these creatures are vulnerable to other predators who live on land.

These creatures are dangerous but very easy to train if you have the patience and a peaceful attitude. These creatures are very curious of humans and are even playful.they play by swimming with humans as they do cute little tricks to get are attention, like holding a fin out of the water and wave it like its waving hi. Or they would hold there tails out of the water and make splashes, and if that doesn't work they will jump out of the water and maybe to a little trick and then land into the water with a big splash.

These creatures are very smart and can easily tell them difference between humans that are hunters and human that are friends. If they see a hunter they swim away first before they attack and make them mad.

If you somehow are able to tame this creature then it will always remember you and always be ready to help. They will keep you from drowning, give you rides, or just give you some playful company. If you have the right equipment made for traveling deep underwater with extreme pressure the whale will gladly watch over you to make sure no predators try anything.

For humans these creatures can be used to pull large ships across oceans, like military battleships, or things as big as a cruise ship. The people of this world usually use these ships to transport supplies, or use them for some who just want a vacation, it's very hard to find a public cruise ship which is why most people just get there own private ships, without a blubber-shore whale pulling it, unless they need fast travel.

They may be scary with the power to kill anything and have freaky solid black eyes, but like the Suhai and like some of the other creatures that look like monstrous killers are very friendly. Now this doesn't exactly mean that all scary and creepy creatures are all friendly, some scary looking creatures can be ruthless killing machines. And the blubber-shore whale will definitely be a killing machine if you aren't carful in hunting or taming it.

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