Cosmic deity Hypnorajinx

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This cosmic deity was gonna be trashed out because it kinda looked like zoroark from Pokémon but I decided to bring it back since this isn't the only creature that looks to something similar to something in pop culture. I know the drawings isn't very good or creative at all but just role with me here kk?

A Hypnorajinx is a rare and extotic cosmic deity.

Not a lot is known about these creatures for now but this is what is known so far..

They have hypnotic abilities to make anything and anyone fall asleep.

They eat normal food such as meat and fruits, but they can eat bad luck by using there powers to extracted it out of a host. It's brutal and painful but it's never fatal, and it keeps the hypnorajinx well nourished and full for long periods of time.

They normal live in cloud clouded places in space where there fins can be used to stick out like a shark to warm other non deity's to stay away from there territory's. There homes are always inside a cloudy or water like area to keep themselves well protected and to be in an eviroment where they are the strongest. Males move through the air like a shark or like a snake. While female move like a dolphin or Chinese dragon.

These creatures can easily be mistaken for a goblin or a troll, or like a fox troll goblin.

They can destroy any planet simply by digging into the core and make an explosion around there bodies. But the rant normal destructive unless they are provoked by a certain kind of demons. This self destruction ability is very useful if they are surrounded, it gives them a chance to escape to other hypnorajinx or get a celestial Guardian to protect them.

Long ago around the dark mass end, these creatures were too close to extinction just like the celestials but the 2 joined forces along with many other deities, immortals, and powerful warriors and beast, to defend against the demons to control there infestation. The Celestial have sacrificed a lot to keep all deities alive. they are even willing to risk there own species survival for the greater good, that is until they realize what would happen if they went to extinction. So in return these creatures now work along side with any and every cosmic deity. They are always willing to help any celestial, weak or elite they are always willing and ready to help keep there race alive. So if they hear any news about any celestial being held captive, they will go save them straight away. Like Alpha group,  Sayeret Matkal, Navy seal Team 6, S.A.S,  and the Delta force rolled up in one with a immortal deity of cosmos.

More info to be revealed soon.

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