Windwalker and skindigo

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What do you get when you combine a windigo and a Skincrawler. You get a windwalkeror a skindigo.

The windwalker is the offspring of a male windigo, and a female Skincrawler.

If the windigo is a female and the Skincrawler is a male then you get a skindigo which looks exactly like a windwalker only it has no fur and has different lifestyle and abilitie.

The windigo doesn't thrive on human flesh because of its genetics, since it's half skinwalker it has no need to hunt humans.

And since Skincrawlers are magic witch's that transform, the windwalker has ultimate powers over ice, snow and wind.

The skindigo has the abilities over fire, making these creatures live in different environments.

The windwalker Alive in cold areas,like high in mountains, while skindigo sardines in warm, dry places ,like a isolated desert.

The these 2 creatures are more animal like then it's parents, they are territorial creatures and claim as much territory as possible for hunting.

These creatures diets often depend on where they live, but there main diet is for predators. These creatures eat predators because the strange world has far to many powerful creatures to keep up with.

Since the windwalkers and skindigos are far more stronger and superior to there parents. All windigos and Skincrawlers went extinct due to lower food supplies because of there offspring, or because of other stronger predators, and because of humans hunting them down.

There behavior and way of live is very similar to bears, yetis and elk. They would sometimes come together as a heard to find mates which they will definitely fight for.

If these beast pin there target down, they would hold them down with one paw and smack them multiple times until they can break there necks good enough until there dead.

Many humans tell many things about these beast to stay away because of many rumors about them being monsters that kill humans with no mercy. But this is highly exaggerated. These are incredible lonely creatures, and they never had parental love because when these creatures are born they are abandoned right away by there mothers leaving only the father to keep them alive until they can hunt on there own.

When these creatures want to be left alone they Barf out a stomach acid that smells like rotten flesh and copper. Unfortunately for them, Zeradons are attracted to these smells since they are scavengers sometimes. The windwalkers don't normally deal with this threat often because of the cold conditions they live in but for skindigos it's a nightmare because zeradons live in the desert to.

Windwalker have fluffy fur that is like a heated blanket for them. And skindigos have a cool body that keeps them from overheating of getting dehydrated.

In the north windwalkers are more friendly towards humans then skindigos, they are especially helpful towards female humans and kids. Example, one time a mother and 2 of her kids horse died on there way to a village and they were stuck in a snow storm. When they had no where to go a male windwalker appears and grabs them. He then dragged them to his cave out of the cold storm. The cave was filled with many kinds of things. There was one pile of animal bones, a pile of soft stuff such as blankets pillows and other soft stuff made into a pile ,which the creature used as a bed, and the cave was are covered with claw marks and blood stains. When the storm got worse the creature pushed a couple of boulders to cover the cave entrance, gently grabbed the humans and puts them on the bed. The creature then layed down with the humans as it uses its soft warm fur to keep them warm. When the humans woke up they found themselves back where the horse died only they where covered with warm blankets and the horse was already bones.

Skindigos are much more cruel then windwalkers, it is said that skindigos are the exact opposite of windwalkers. If you have heard the many horror stories of these beast you better believe them because these creatures while eat any predators, they would even eat there own kind. The skindigos even have venom in there fangs, horns and saliva which while make its victims go mad for 10 minutes before the human body becomes paralyzed. If the skindigos doesn't decide to kill you while your unable to move then the venom will kill you in 5 more minutes of a stroke. If your human body is capable of having severe heart attacks then the venom will cause your heart to explode in your chest. the only creatures that can stop the venom is the windwalkers anti-venom or you'll have to attack the venom with a drop of venom of a desert black mamba snake.

People will often hunt the skindigos because of there threat towards people and because of the large amount of clean water they carry in there bodies. Although it's very hard to find one since they have the ability to Transform into any creature. The only few creatures that can track these creatures is either a zeradon, a desert black mamba, falcons, hunting dogs, crows, desert cheetahs, and horses.

Neither of these creatures should ever be messed with.

Even if they had no venom these creatures can kill people instantly.

The windwalker May be lonely and relatable creatures but that doesn't mean you should go looking for it since there are many reports of people who die climbing up mountains where they live, or they didn't listen to the warning signs to leave it alone.

Even thou These creatures aren't constantly hunger, they do require to eat a lot of food. And the windwalkers don't eat humans because it makes them sick, but for skindigos they constantly crave human flesh because to them eating humans is like eating hot dogs for the first time.

The windwalker is a living representation of  loneliness, compassion, mercy and love, while the skindigo represents hatred, murder, madness, and chaos.

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