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Zeradon may have many things that make it seem like a zombie pterodactyl, but it's actually a new species that has evolved so it could adapt to living in such toxic and unhealthy lands.the sand river next to the mountains shaped like trees are near one of the most dangerous places in the this world, and it would have stayed that way if there wasn't any Zeradon. The Zeradon in that area basically get an all you can eat buffet, but the Zeradon tribes are very territorial and they constantly keep protecting the place or fighting for it.

There is no safe way you can train a Zeradon and survive. Zeradon really hate sweet smells, the sweet smell not only smells horrible to them but it also messes with there senses.

So if your going to Zeradon territory, you better take a shower first to avoided any encounters with these beast. There tribes function like how royal kingdoms are. If the heir leader has a younger sibling like a little brother they must leave the tribe and seek another royal family member.

They can tell if the creature is royal or not by seeing if the creature spends most of his time alone. Zeradon also never lie to there kind and if they do they would be eaten by there tribes leaders. The roaming Zeradon do this to prove there loyalty towards the new pack. The older Zeradon parents decided if it's ok for there children to be with the other if the potential mate brings them offerings and respects them as there own parents.

Zeradon parents are very controlling and protective over there children because many predators can disguise themselves so they get the chance to attack Zeradon for food. Zeradon over 25 have special senses that help identify if the creature is Zeradon or a predator, it may be an improvement but it also makes them weaker to sweet scents. Zeradon under 25 dont have this unknown sense which makes them extremely vulnerable to predators. They have some bones showing out to show that the Zeradon are filled with diseases

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