Cosmic deity Nova Phoenix

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I did not make the art, but the nova Phoenix is basically a giant Phoenix with many powers.

In many marvel ultra realms this creature can easily be mistaken for Phoenix force or Dark Phoenix in some others.

This creature can sleep inside a sun keeping it young forever by feeding off of it and using its molting feathers to get the sun what it needs to survive.

This creature constantly molts feathers do to its infinitely flame that never dies.

The most powerful of the nova Phoenix is known as the god of light in the strange world, because of its the oldest of the Nova Phoenix, and it's power far surpasses the others.

This creature is also another being that will eats black wholes, Dark matter, and Dark energy, which is some of the many things that shadow demons feed on. Eating this can give the Phoenix's powers increase dramatically and make there light grow brighter. This eating darkness also gives these creatures another name known as the devourer of darkness. They don't eat to much thou since ever ultra needs it.

These creatures hate Shadows demons so much that they are willing to do anything to get rid of them, even if it means destroying and burning everything, having just one shadow demon in an ultra is more dangerous then an angered Nova Phoenix.

These creatures like all the other cosmic deity's that never die from age, because they can't age once there an adult. Cosmic deity's also can't die from Starvation or exhaustion but its is required to keep them strong and healthy, and Nova Phoenix need it the most.

It can fly across a many ultra realms faster then a Pure blood Celestials Guardian, but there are some Celestials that can run faster then them.

There behavior is a lot like a falcon or an eagle, like many it has great wisdom.

The Nova Phoenix has the eyes 10 times greater then a hawks and like a hawk they can see colors more vivid then humans and they have Ultraviolet light aka the ability to detect the UV reflecting off of urine trails, only for a Nova Phoenix they use this ability to track Shadow demons from the liquid darkness which is not there urine, it is like slime that contains leaks out of there bodies, this liquid can sometimes lead to creating black holes that can morph into portals from the shadow realm to help them escape. Since these beast hate shadow demons and feed off of them they consider this portal opening as an all you can eat buffet that doesn't end until the portal is gone. When a Nova Phoenix does find one it shrieks loudly to signal all nearby Cosmic deity's and Celestials about it so they can stop them before the demons can cause more damage then they already have.

They can change size from the size big enough to swallow a planet the size of juniper like a pill, to the size of a small falcon. This creature can also shape shift into many bird like creatures to help disguise them from shadow demons for investigation or sneak attacks.

When a Nova Phoenix can't sense food, it will go find a big red sun and feed off of it while it sleeps until it can sense shadow demons presence which will immediately wake it up like a kid waking up to Christmas Day. If it's a serious threat then it will burst out of the sun and rush towards the threat while doing signal shrieks to other Cosmic deity's and Celestials.

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