Duktak aka Kilith Sventar

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You all may have heard the saying to never trust a snake, but in the strange world that doesn't go exactly for all snakes, there are some species of snakes that can be extremely loyal companions, for Example here's the Duktak aka Kilith Sventar

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You all may have heard the saying to never trust a snake, but in the strange world that doesn't go exactly for all snakes, there are some species of snakes that can be extremely loyal companions, for Example here's the Duktak aka Kilith Sventar

DukTak is just another name that is shorter then it's first species name which is Kilith Sventar. In draconic Duktak means exicutioner, and Kilith Sventar translates to mercy killer.

The top of its head has "rostral nostrils" far forward of the nasal openings in there skulls just like a Brachiosaurus. They can also smell with there tongues like a snake and use there nostrils on there head to increase the amount of smells it tracks, meaning that this creature can easily find prey and predators at the same time.

The nostril holes on there heads have very short length oifactory bulb and nasal cavity, that makes its brain very close to the skin. A simple stab in the head can definitely hit the brain. Many predators uses there weak point as an advantage if they dare to hunt this venomous beast. It's brain is also close to specific nerves that could also destroy its ability to move making its bran unable to move the body, or kill it instantly.

These creatures have 3 different venom glands that can be used and combined into many things.

The 1st gland forces victims to only tell the truth, if they try to lie then the venom will hurt them in different ways depending on the creature, the health, blood type, genetics, ect. If you lie The pain could feel like having tasers in your chest, acid in your blood, or headache that are painful enough to think your gonna die.

2nd venom gland paralysis the human body to be unable to move for about 5-10 hours. Trying to move will never work because the paralyzed bodies nerves will not work, making you unable to move until the venom wears off.

The 3rd injects serious dangerous venom that can cause radiation poisoning.

1 and 2 used together can be used to produce batrachotoxin

1 and 3 together produce Sulfur Trioxide

2&3 Chlorine Trifluoride.

And all 3 glans used can make anyone anybody, and anything instantly dead.

These beast are very common in kingdoms and other places where they have executions, but they are also used for interrogation, and for elite bounty hunters. But only the Duktak's outside the kingdoms remove a certain body part, so its ability to use all 3 glands together is disabled, so it can't instantly kill anything. In other places, they remove certain nevrves that disables its ability to combine any venom, others will just remove the 3rd venom gland, and others can do both.

These creatures are extremely loyal and values the life of there masters more then themselves, examples if one duktak's master said to jumpof a cliff then it would do it without question.

People don't normally own these creatures not because of there deadliness but also because there slithery scaly reptiles and is always unfairly criticize for what it is. This criticism has left many of these heart broken creatures sad and alone, wish they had a home and a nice master to serve.

Once they do find there perfect master they are extremely loyal and protective. They even protect the family. Some rich families would even use these creatures to babysit there own kids there so loyal and smart.

They do have great intelligence but they are still animals, they can sometimes understand what humans say, but they can't talk back.

Like a rattlesnake they have rattles in there tails to warn predators to stay away or to alert other animals to stay away of it wants to sleep without being bothered.

In the wild there bright red color make this creature very easy to find.

If these creatures weren't hated because they are snakes they would make excellent pets, but unfortunately there are some people who hate snakes, lives in area where they are banned, don't know how to train or teach them, or just simply can't afford it.

These beast often get there bad reputation because many criminals attempts to steal these creatures and forces them to serve then so the criminals can succeed in dangerous crimes such as robbery or murder. There extremely deadliness is also something everyone fears,but those who actually know about this creature, knows that it's just another highly misunderstood creature that just wants love, or to serve a pure heart master.

In some parts of the world there were many tales of these creatures killing themselves because cruel human masters tell them to do it, many scientists theorize that all these creatures surfer from some story of mental disability that can constantly make these creatures afraid to be alone make them want masters so they can satisfy there emotionally problems. Others theories say these creatures used to be the embodiment of a creature who represents the consequences of what loneliness does to mortal minds. Unfortunately the answer may never be known since there brains are to smushed together and way to delicate to study, even highly advanced alien technology can't even study there brains.

Just because these creatures are lonely doesn't mean you should hug everyone of these you see, cause in the wild these creatures are extremely defensive if they feel threaten, and even tamed ones can lash out at new people, if you wish to pet one ask the owner first before you pet them, and if you see on it the wild don't go anywhere near it, just leave it alone and it won't attack. it may decide to follow you out of curiosity so don't panic if you think it's chasing you. But if you threaten it enough it could chase you until you are at a far enough distance, they may have the ability to kill anything instantly but, in the wild or tamed, these creatures always believe in mercy.

In the wild these creatures don't ever let there prey suffer, if these creatures see there prey suffer they put them out of there misery, it's the kindest think that can do for there food.

Tamed ones can learn certain commands of many things, they can ever learn sign language to do certain things. Many assassins or bounty hunters use this t9 there advantage when on the job.

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