The devils Brain parasite

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 The final part of this description of this worm tells how to keep this parasite away and how to cure yourself if you are infected

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The final part of this description of this worm tells how to keep this parasite away and how to cure yourself if you are infected.

This is an extremely dangerous worm that can infect any creature if they eat flesh that is infected by his parasite. This parasite spreads through the blood entering the organs. This parasite would even make vampires run in terror. This parasite will eat the disease in the body then it will d start to attack the body by eating there organs, and muscles as they make there way to the brain.

These worms are also cannibals, meaning they eat there own kind, they would even eat there offspring.

The size of these worms can grow to about the size of an earthworm but in extreme rare conditions they can grow to the size of a grass snake.

This is one of the main reasons why everyone in the strange world cleans there food before they eat it. These parasite can also spread in an infected host scratches them or touches an open cut or wound.

The reason why it's called the devils brain worm is because the very first host started to have hallucinations and thought he saw the devil. Another name it has is the hells flower, the worm of madness, or flower mouth worm.

When the worm gets close to the lungs or heart it can cause many health problems such as heart attack, stroke, or the lungs would feel like being crushed cause them to choke.

There are many ways to get rid of this disease parasite, but there's only one way that has been proven to be 100% efficient. one way is making a antidote in a special soup made from venom howler saliva, terror death legs, and Zeradon skin. To make the soup taste better you can add meat from a blubber shore whale to make it taste okay. To some it still taste disgusting, to others with strong stomachs can manage or even like the soup.

In some tribes where the parasite thrives they eat this soup daily every morning, to prevent the worm from infected there tribe. This worm can sometimes enemy other animals, but this worm can thrive best with a human host.

You'll be safe as long as you are not a cannibal, and as long as you don't drink blood, if your a vampire, then be careful who's blood you drink.

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