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This creature may be big and terrifying buts it's actually very weak, and dumb. There claws are made of hard materials which they use to dig into the ground in search of roots, mushrooms, bugs, but they also eat grass and leaves. There naturally enemies to all carnivores, and when they encounter humans they aren't sure rather to run away or stay with the humans for protection. They run away fast by skipping,they can't really run very good due to there claws and skeletons structure. They can hop about 25 yards high and 25 yards long. They about the size of a large horse and look a lot like one at the front of there heads but they act more like a emu or an ostrich.

The leftover humans of the strange world often ride these creatures everywhere. There very easy train and capture. There actually afraid off all predators 24/7.  So all you have to do is catch it, show it how's boss, but some rope around it's head like a halter and reins then tell it what to do then bam your got yourself a Zebragon. You'll probably has to keep it tied up or in a stable when you leave it alone so it won't try to run away. It may not be smart but it's not entirely stupid. The partly act like a horse but they mostly act like a flightless bird.

They have the large club of hard Bone at the end of there tail they use to smash boulders and trees for food, but they also use it to scare off prey, it may be a powerful weapon but there to cowardly to fight.

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