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This is not just a giant mantis dinosaur

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This is not just a giant mantis dinosaur. This creature is called the mantavibrate. It may look like a bug dinosaur freak of nature but it's actually a giant mammal big enough to swallow a bear whole. This creatures detect there prey and dangerous predators by using its antennas and tail antennas to sense vibrations on the ground.

But like normal mantis these creatures are also cannibals. They prefer to eat the brains off of anything before they eat the organs and bones, and then the skin and muscles if they are still hungry and can't afford to be wasteful. There long fork like tongues work like a spoon as they eat there victims from the inside out.

Although they can sense vibration to much vibration going on at once or a huge vibration could be enough to aggravate the monster enough to make it go away, these vibration are the reason why they don't live anywhere near places where earthquakes are common (which is also where creatures that can make vibrations naturally live to avoid the mantavibrate.)

It's behavior is a lot like a mantis and a Komodo dragon. Hunting with both its mantible claws, and jaws. This creature have an extremely hard time hiding in most areas, so to it lives in areas where the environment is big enough to fit them. If they wander to far or are stuck in an open environment they will either scavenge for survival until they either find new territory or die.

One mantavibrate died in a dessert near a village, and it kept them well feed. This creature may look disgusting but the meat it has is delicious. Juicy ribs like from cows, deep fried antennas that taste like French fries, you can even make other delicious foods out of them like steaks, meatballs, hot dogs, pork chops. It's meat is so diverse but tastes so similar to the normal earth food from before. The possibilities you can make with this creature are endless.

It may have delicious meat but, it's still an extremely dangerous creature, that can basically detect anything from the earths vibrations. Although they also have extremely weak eyes that are to well connected to its brain so one good stab to the right spot in the eye will it one of its main nerves connected to the Brain. Hit the nerve and the brain shuts down, along with the rest of its body and its functions.

They are also weak at night so they find a safe place to sleep since they are blind in the dark, and many predators love to hunt for these delicious creatures. Especially nocturnal beasts that know about mantavibrates.

This creature is extremely dangerous Apex predators to us, but in the strange world. It's just a little prey made to feed the hungry beasts more dangerous then it.

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