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"Come downstairs, Ari," Lo shouted from below the stairs holding her tablet up, "TJ wants to see you before he goes back to work. And I have to make sure your dad doesn't shoot your dad."

The mention of her father putting a bullet wound in her prom date seemed to hurry Lo and Ty's 18 year old daughter up. She came down the stairs, looking beautiful and so much like her mother, it hurt to look at her. Lo felt tears gather in her eyes at the proudly maternal moment.

"Damn, Ari," TJ, their first son said from Lo's tablet where he was currently on a video call, "you look amazing. I wish I was there to help dad with that gun. But I'm stuck in fucking Japan."

Ari rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. She knew she looked good. Her mum had picked her dress personally and she had dressed so many huge celebrities, it would be amazing to say Lo's Stylez had styled for prom. Even if it was her mum. Her mum was fucking amazing. So was her dad, but her mum was definitely more rocking.

Ty walked into the room and stood behind his wife, lightly kissing her neck. Thirty years together and his kisses still made her shiver. It could never get old. Of course, their sexual appetites had reduced considerably but that spark was this between them; brighter than ever.

"You look amazing, Ari," Ty said gruffly and Lo could feel his heart beating faster. He was so damn proud of his two children and his daughter going to senior prom was a moment that made him reminisce on their life together, and thus, he had become emotional, "Thank goodness you look like me. If you looked like me, you'd be butt ugly like your brother."

"I heard that," TJ complained from the tablet.

"You were meant to."

"Mum. Dad's being mean to me again."

Lo laughed, "TJ, you're the one always screaming about how you're your own man now. You handle it."

"You're just always supporting your husband. Its not fair."

"And I keep telling you to find a woman who will support you."

"Yeah yeah," TJ replied, sounding bored.

"If you guys are done bickering now, I'm going to meet my date."

That got Ty's attention immediately, "Yes, about that. I sent him home."

"DAD!!" Ari shouted, horrified at the same time Lo said, "What?!"

"I'm kidding. He seems like a good kid. He was scared of me, which is one good thing. But he also promised to have you home by 11pm, gave me his plate number and his parents house address, plus his phone IMEI so I can track you his phone anywhere you go."

Ari still look pissed and Lo said, "Don't you think that's a little too much, Ty? I mean, it's just prom."

"No way. It's not just prom. It's my little angel's big day and there's no way I'm jeopardizing her safety for anything." He walked over and wrapped his huge arms around his much smaller daughter so affectionately that Ari couldn't help but smile and lean into his hug. No matter how overbearing her father could be, she knew he loved her hopelessly. He was literally putty in her small hands.

"Fine, dad. Thank you." She said.

"Now if you'll just agree to wear that rape whistle..." Ty started.

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