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Three days later, Ty walked into Pam's Place. Lo wasn't there (again) so he told the pretty athletic lady at the counter that he wanted to speak the owner, Pam. The woman went into the back and came out a few minutes later.

"Go on in. She's in the last door to your right."

Ty thanked her and passed through the door that said 'STAFF ONLY'. He found the door, knocked and entered a small office with files everywhere. It took everything in Ty not to ask the little curly haired woman why she didn't opt for computers but he held his tongue figuring it was none of his business.

She looked up at him when he entered the room. She had a muted wild look in her brown eyes that reminded him of a tamed bull he had seen at a rodeo once. Her curly hair was also brown and tumbled all over the place. She had a cute button nose and full downturned lips. She was a pretty woman but Lo kind of floated his boat much better.

"How can I help you?" she asked.

Pam had recognized him immediately. He was the guy she had dared Lo to kiss two years ago and had opened the avenue for them to have a tumble. But last she had heard of him, she and Yaz had accused Lo of not getting it over with him fast enough. She legit didn't know why he was in her often right now.

"HI, my name is Ty. I'm a... um... friend of Lo's," he found it weird referring to Lo as just a friend when he wanted her to be so much more than that, "I was wondering if you've heard from her lately."

Pam raised an eyebrow, "She's my best friend. Of course I've heard from her."

"That's great... but," Ty tried to swallow past the lump in his throat, "I haven't been able to reach her for the past three days and I miss her like hell."

Pam leaned back in her chair. Well this was getting very interesting. He was a very handsome man. If it wasn't for Lo, she would have snatched him up for herself. But he looked terrible. Well put together, but terrible. He reminded her of a child who had lost his favorite blankie and wanted to sleep but couldn't. Knowing Lo, they had probably had sex three days ago, which, she calculated, was the day after she and Yaz had put their big ass mouths into it. Then after having sex, Lo the idiot had avoided him like the Black Death.

"What happened the last time you saw her?"

"Well, we spent the night together," Ty replied, "or rather half the night. Because I woke up around 3am and she was gone. I've been trying to reach her since then but she hasn't answered any of my calls or returned any of my messages."

"So what would you like for me to do for you?" Pam asked. Of course she already knew but it was way more fun to make him suffer by telling her.

"I need to know if there's any other way I can contact her. Maybe you count give me her house address or something," really going she would agree but he was disappointed when Pam shook her head.

"You should know I can't do that Mr. Ty. Especially not without her permission," Pam said sadly, "I wish I could help you but I really can't. I hope you understand."

Ty looked crestfallen, "Of course. I understand," he turned away from her, "but thank you for your time, Pam."

Pam felt really bad for him. It wasn't his fault her friend was irresistible and didn't have common sense.

"You know, I make my special banana-chocolate brownies on Friday mornings," Pam said when he was at the door, "they're a major hit and all of my friends come over to buy them. They're addicted and they never miss it for anything."

She looked straight at him and he broke into a grin so wide she was tempted to tell him to calm the fuck down.

"You know, I might just as well come and try them for myself this Friday."

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