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Ty took his cereal to the room on a Saturday morning to find Lo standing on the balcony as she did most mornings. At the angle she was standing, the sun was right beside her, casting its bright light on her and the small white nightie she was wearing, rendering it transparent. Ty damn near dropped his bowl and he was pretty sure he dribbled some milk on the side of his mouth. Lo had filled out and she had filled out WELL. After the shocks of her experience had worn out, she had started eating enough for three people and at six months pregnant, it was becoming increasingly hard not to fuck her brains out every night. He had been taking his fist to his cock more than he cared to admit lately but he'd be dumb to complain.

Currently, he was admiring the shapes and curves of her body through the nightie and he had to admit, her pregnancy was fucking hot. Maternity totally agreed with her. Her thighs were thick and so was her ass. Her boobs were bigger and fuller than he had ever seen them, even when she was getting her period. He had thought he was going to combust the morning he had woken up and seen that she had lactated during the night, leaving small wet patches on her pajamas on the bedsheets. But right now, she seemed lost in thought and trying not to disturb her, he walked over and stood beside her leaning on the railing and staying silent, just offering her his company.

They had been standing there for about five minutes, cereal soggy and forgotten in Ty's hand. Lo had been fidgeting since Ty had come up to her but he knew she wasn't uncomfortable, it was more like she was get the balls to do something. So he waited.

Finally, Lo put her hand on his wrist and the touch seared him to the bone, it was the first time she had voluntarily touched him since before the kidnap. Then she looked at him in the eye, which was also a first since before the kidnap. Her eyes held recognition of who he was, what he meant to her and what they had together before the kidnap. Ty couldn't tear his eyes away if he wanted to, which he didn't even want to. Then she shocked the balls off him by opening her mouth.

What came out was a croak but she closed her mouth and cleared her throat audibly. Then she opened her mouth and made just one statement that made Ty's heart soar higher than it ever had in his God-given life.

"The baby's yours and it's a boy."

She said this, broke their eye contact, took her hand off his wrist and went back to staring at the scenery like that moment hadn't just happened. But Ty couldn't take it. He didn't care if she needed space; he was feeling damn too selfish for that at that point. She had just given him the answer to a question that had haunted him since he had picked her up in Lou's basement, even if it was in an uneven and unsure voice. This time, he picked her up with glee and being careful of her stomach, gave her a bone-crushing bear hug. He had never felt so ecstatic in his life.


He felt before he heard her giggle and it was the best sound he had ever heard. Slowly, he put her back on the stone tiled ground and with small smile on her face, she pulled her nightie down because it had rode up a little when he had picked her up. Her action pulled the nightie tight over tummy to the point that Ty could see her protruding navel. His eyes couldn't leave her stomach after that. He couldn't believe his baby boy was growing inside her at that very moment. He suddenly felt very attached to the forming human and he could feel something that felt very much like paternal love take firm root in his heart.

Lo could see every emotion Ty felt on his face. She had been fiercely protective of the budding rose inside her, only allowing Doc to touch her stomach because she knew that it was best for her son. But right now, the love that shone in Ty's eyes as he stared at her belly was unmistakable. He would protect and love their son with everything he did and she knew she could trust him, not just with herself but with the family they were going to have. They weren't married but Gem had gisted her about the torment Ty had gone through while she was missing and how he hadn't left her side until she had woken up when she was eventually found. A man who would be that miserable because of her definitely deserved to be trusted.

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