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Lo waddled down the beach as she wondered what the hell Ty wanted. It was late afternoon and he had sent for her at the hotel, interrupting her soak in the jacuzzi and pissing her off more than she wanted to admit. She had really been enjoying herself until room service had knocked on the door and said Ty had ordered a makeover for her, sent a dress, ordered the ultimate spa treatment and wanted her down the beach.

The dress was a very soft white chiffon that hugged her pregnant curves beautifully and made her feel like a Greek goddess. It was in a toga style, clinched at one shoulder and wrapped around her bust and cinched into a gold lace band at her waist before flowing around her legs.

So now, here she was waxed, steamed, made up and moisturized from head to toe, walking down the dark sand in her strappy sandals that she couldn't quite see. Meg had been right about one thing; this baby was huge. At six months, she couldn't look at her feet anymore? This went against everything she had read about in those pregnancy magazines. But Doc assured her that her child was just fine. Plus, left to her, being big was a sign of healthy living so she didn't mind. Another plus was that her size made Ty dote on her more and more everyday and she absolutely loved it. But of course, a girl had keep her bride and complain just a little.

Thinking about Ty made her feel bittersweet. She loved that man so so much. It was uncontrollable, as impossible to control as the waves that lapped and swirled in the ocean. She treaded the line where she knew the water couldn't reach her but she could feel the vibration of the slamming of the waves in the ground she walked. A short distance away, she could see Ty sitting on a white blanket with a picnic basket beside him, staring at the ocean. Even from this distance, she could see that he had shaved the beard he had let grow out since they got to Santorini. Aww, she had liked stroking and scratching it but still, what a beautiful man. She had no idea what she had done in a past life to deserve him. After being served a shitload of bad luck so early in her life, she had always thought she'd be miserable until the day she summoned the courage to end it all.

But now, here she was, walking down a beach in Santorini, heading towards the biggest, sexiest and richest man she had ever met in her life and he was hers. Totally hers. It was at that moment that she realized that they were no longer a work in progress. The force of this realization was enough to make her stop in her tracks but she remembered that the picnic basket had food in it and kept walking seeing as she was always hungry now. Yes. They were no longer a work in progress. They were now a solid, functioning machine with nothing stopping them from being together. Not her past, not his mother, not anybody. He made her happier than she ever thought she deserved to be. It was funny to her how if she had found out she was preggers under normal circumstances, she would have been nervous about his reaction when she finally told him. But circumstances didn't give either of them choices and Ty being Ty hadn't even asked her about it until she had been comfortable to talk about it herself and in her own time. She would always appreciate that. She would always appreciate him in general.

When she was about three feet away from the blanket, Ty stood and helped her sit down on the blanket. He smelled like that chocolate-y cologne she adored and she felt her lady bits do a little 'whoopdiedoo' in celebration. She wasn't wearing a bra and her pregnant nipples would be standing at attention if she didn't get the hell away from him. Luckily for her, he retreated to the other side of the blanket when he had helped her sit and stared at the ocean for a few more seconds before looking right at her. The intensity of his gaze almost knocked her off her ass and her ass was so huge now, it was a miracle anything could knock her off it. He had a stubborn set in his strong jaw that he always had when he was determined in something. She patiently held his gaze and waited for him to shed light on what he was so determined about now. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait long.

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