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Lo had been extremely worried about her relationship with Ty and how she knew she was selfish for continuing to be with him despite the danger it posed to him. She knew she was supposed to end things with him and cut off all ties before things became even deeper for both of them. She was supposed to cut it off while they could still leave each other with broken hearts that could be put together. Her fear was that if she left Ty now, she would never be the same. There was no way she could taste this sort of happiness and suddenly just throw it away; such action would leave her in shambles.

There was a reason why Lo never stayed with any of the men she slept with, no matter how good the sex was. It was to protect them more than to protect herself. She would hate for anybody to get hurt because she had been stupid. But she must be dumb as fuck right now because she had let these blissful months with Ty drag on continuously.

As her plane touched down, she decided that it was high time she pulled Ty out of the picture that was the horrible reality of her life and let him live a normal life, meet a normal woman who wouldn't put him in inevitable danger and have children who wouldn't have to learn to run for their lives. She would do it immediately; before she went home and lost her courage.

On her drive to Ty's house, her phone dinged and she already had a feeling she knew who was texting her... and he didn't like to be kept waiting. She pulled over and took her phone from the glove compartment.

L: The boss and I have decided we gave u too much time. You have 2 months.

Her breath caught in her throat. There was no way she was going to be able to get what they wanted in two months, not when she had bills to pay and a job that carried her all over the country. She quickly tapped out a reply.

Lo: That's not fair. We agreed on a year more.

L: Well, we changed our minds.

Lo knew better than to question any further so she send a quick 'ok', sat in her car at the roadside and thought of what to do. She had almost reached her goal but she was also quite far from it. Tears prickled in her eyes but she took a deep breath through her nostrils and held them back. She would not allow them to reduce her to a simpering, weeping female.

Gathering herself together, she continued on her way to Ty's house. The short conversation over text had just given her more reason to put her bad bitch panties on and cut things off with Ty.

She got to his house and finding the door open, she let herself in. The entire house was now a familiar environment to her and it pained her that after today, she would no longer be welcome here.

She stopped in her tracks when she heard a high pitched squeal from Ty's room. She was only a few feet away and then she heard it again. She could feel her colour rising and her heart beating. Lo had never even considered Ty cheating on her during the times she was away. It had seemed THAT impossible. She knew he was once a slut but they had both seemed so consumed with and by each other that the idea of him being with another woman seemed ludicrous.

As Lo stood there, those damn tears started to sting again and it took considerably more effort to push them back this time.

The door opened and Ty heard a brisk feminine voice.

"You really should try the dumplings I made, Ty," the woman was saying, "they're to die for. If I do say so myself."

She was even cooking for him?

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