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Three months later:

Ty looked like absolute shit. That was something Pam and Yaz could definitely agree on as they watched him miserably swallow a scalding cup of coffee at Pam's Place after yet another restless night. He went there almost every day, desperate to hold on to any piece of Lo he could find after all this time apart from her.

The case was running cold. They had tried everything they could think of in trying to find Lo but it seemed like she had disappeared off the surface of the earth. There wasn't even enough evidence to keep Lou and Ben in holding as prime suspects and the assholes knew it. Her car had disappeared and no car that fit its description had been seen anywhere in the state. Her phone had been disconnected from the network.

Everything was driving Ty fucking crazy and the fact that he couldn't do anything about it was a stick in his ass. Pam and Yaz noted that he had lost weight and the grey smudges under his eyes were now an everyday accessory. He was eating little and sleeping less. Thanks to Lee, his business was still thriving but he really couldn't care less. The girls knew that it hadn't been easy for them and as such, they couldn't imagine how it was for Ty who loved Lo so much. What tortured them the most was the knowledge that Lo wasn't at some resort relaxing and sipping cocktails. Lou and Ben would met out the worst punishments they could think of on her; they could possible kill her. Yaz surely wouldn't put it past the douchebags. But they had thought of everything they could and even the police had started getting tired of the case. The only thing that kept them looking for her was Ty's position and power: even the governor owed Ty a few debts.

Ty sat and hardly noticed when Pam dropped a croissant in front of him and sat across from him, although he was vaguely aware of the aroma that wafted into his nostrils.

"Ty," Pam started, "you can't go on like this. We are all scared shitless for Lo but you won't be any use in finding her if you don't eat."

Pam didn't get it but Ty humoured her and nibbled on the croissant. He missed her like crazy but he also didn't let himself forget what she was probably going through. Whenever he felt pangs of pain due to hunger, he reminded himself that Lo was probably not being served buffets and it was his fault. Whenever he couldn't sleep, he wondered what kind of cave Lo was locked up in and whether she would be able to sleep either. It was really just a vicious cycle of wondering and continually hoping she was okay.

"I'm meeting with JT again today," he told Pam when he was halfway done with the croissant, "he's the only person who still thinks there's a chance to find Lo."

Pam noticed the way his voice broke when he said her name and her heart broke a little more both for him and her friend. She was no detective and she had no idea how these things worked. They had already tried everything she could think of and more. Pam's Place had closed for two weeks but she had been forced to reopen. She missed Lo terribly and she refused to think of what that bastard Lou had put her through.

"She will be found, Ty. And she will be fine," she said, even doubting herself as she said it. Her friend was a strong son of a bitch but everyone had their breaking point. She just hoped Lou hadn't found it.

Three hours later, JT walked into Pam's Place and spotted Ty immediately. In his forty years in practice, he had never come across a case he couldn't crack and he wasn't about to start now. It had been difficult to crack this one but today, he had found something that he thought would be a great lead.

He sat down and got straight to the point, "One of the men I had watching the house noticed a small fire at the backyard. He went to check it out when it died out and amongst the ashes, he found this."

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