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Friday came around and Ty was sitting at the back of Pam's Place by 1pm. He wasn't the only one that could be Googled. A quick Google search of Lo had shown her clientele portfolio which was actually very impressive and he was surprised to see that he actually knew (or had slept with) quite a number of them. She worked with both men and women and she did well with both, whether socialites, actors, musicians or even the Swedish royalty she had. He could tell she was raking in a lot of money every year but she didn't flaunt it. When she had to be with a client for an event, she dressed mutedly and appropriately and blended into the background; a shadow of her client, which of course, they loved.

He saw that a client of hers had an event a few states away the previous day so if he calculated properly, he flight should be landing without any delays by 1:05pm and she would be at Pam's Place before 2pm. Well, here he was, dutifully waiting for her.

A few minutes after 2, Lo walked into the bistro and Ty's heart skipped a beat. He was pretty sure that if she turned and landed her beautiful eyes on his, he'd have a heart attack right there and then.

However, she just looked straight ahead and went through the door that he knew led to Pam's office. While she was in there, he went to buy a brownie and went back to his seat. He tried it and it was actually really good. He didn't usually indulge in sweets but he could make an exception today for Pam. The woman had told him how to meet Lo even when she wasn't obliged to.

After about 20 minutes, Lo came out of the back with Pam and the woman that had been at the counter the last time he had come here. They all stopped at the counter and both women bought brownies. The other woman bought about two and the cashier handed her paper bag to her. When it was time to pack up Lo's order, her friends looked at her like she was crazy. Ty could soon tell why. From what he counted, she was buying about 20 brownies. And he had most count at some point. It was either she had a crazy sweet tooth or a death wish. Ty chuckled.

Lo and the other woman said goodbye to Pam and turned to lesve. Pam looked around like she was looking for him and when her crazy eyes met his, she tilted her head in Lo's direction as if telling him 'go'.

Ty didn't have to be told twice.

In a few seconds, he was standing in front of Lo and Yaz and both women's eyes widened. Lo was pretty sure she was hallucinating because there was no way he could be here. Now.

Yaz saw the disbelieving look on her friends face and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"Yep, he's real," and the out loud, she said, "hello Ty. I'm Yaz. Friend extraordinare to Pam and Lo."

"Yes, hello. Nice to meet you," Ty mumbled, not taking his eyes off Lo. He hadn't seen her in days but it felt Ike weeks and he had to drink in all her features again.

"Well, I'm out," Yaz announced and walked out of the bistro.

Lo didn't know what to do. She knew Ty wouldn't let her leave and she didn't want to cause a scene in Pam's place of business. She was trapped and she would have to talk to him whether she liked it or not. She really didn't know if she could handle it with the jetlag and stress of yesterday's client but she didn't really have a choice.

Ty could see she was tired and he really didn't want to stress her but this conversation was paramount.

"Can we talk, Lo?" he asked softly.

She gulped and nodded.

They made their way back to the table Ty had previously occupied with Ty in the lead. They sat across from each other and Lo fiddled with the edge of a napkin. She was nervous as fuck and she didn't even know where this conversation was going.

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