Sincerely, Me

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Trigger Warnings: school, an amazing art class and teacher, sorta-fluff

The three boarded the bus and took a seat near the middle, Virgil sitting between Janus and Remus since these seats allowed three people per a bench. The bus started rolling again, loud chatter coming from the other students seated in the bus.

"Hey Remus, how come your twin brother never rides the bus?" Virgil asked the green lover.

"He just carpools with our roommate and their friend. Their friend doesn't live in an area that the bus goes to so Roman and our roommate pick him up and take him to school. I'd go with them, but I'd much rather walk with you and Janus then have an entire bus ride to spend with you two! I dunno what could be better than that," Remus said while putting an arm around Virgil's shoulder.

"Oo! A horde of puppies! That might be better!" exclaimed Virgil, both Janus and Remus laughing.

"Perhaps to you, Virgil. You do have a love for dogs," said Janus.

"And cats! And birds, rodents, goats, horses, sheep, donkeys, pigs, cows, swans," Virgil started listing off animals while using his fingers to keep track of which ones he said.

"We get it Virgil. You're an animal lover," Remus ruffled Virgil bangs making the pastel boy giggle.

"And here comes the school," Janus was looking out the window as they pulled up to the large, white and grey marble school, high schoolers already walking inside and hanging around outside the school. The bus came to a stop and students filed out, Virgil gripping Remus' and Janus' wrist to not loose them in the flow of students. They made it safely to the courtyard where they walked inside. Remus split off since he actually had to go to his locker for school materials while both Virgil and Janus kept all their stuff in their backpacks.

"I have to get to AP Art. See y'all at lunch!" Virgil called to Janus as he turned to go down the creative arts hallway while Janus went upstairs to the second floor where the world sciences hall was.

Virgil skipped down the hall where the creative arts like theater, band, chorus, orchestra, and art were located. He bounced inside the art room to find the teacher, Mx. Walker, already there with three other of his classmates. Virgil took his seat near the back and swung his messenger bag onto his lap, pulling out his heavily paint splattered sketch book and opened to a new page, doodling a rather detailed golden retriever puppy on the paper as he waited for the home room bell to ring. His bus always arrived at the school at precisely 7:45 a.m. which gave Virgil ten minutes to get to class before the first bell then five minutes to doodle until the late bell.

The remaining six classmates trickled in before the late bell even rung. Something Virgil like about AP Art was the fact that not many people do it therefore leaving the class rather empty. Including himself, the class only had ten students which was nice and all of the students were pretty chill and introverted, preferring to do their work in peace rather than socialize. The first bell rang then the late one and it was time to start class. Mx. Walker stood in front of the class for morning announcements, to take attendance, and to explain what they would be doing that day.

"Good morning class. Nice to see everyone is here so there's no need to do attendance. Announcements for today; tomorrow Mr. Williams will be holding tryouts for the debate team in room 217. Choir practice has been canceled for the next two weeks starting today since Mrs. Anderson just had her baby. Her classes will have a substitute teacher while she's gone. And auditions for the spring play are being held next week on Monday and Tuesday, sign ups are outside the theater room," they said.

Virgil smiled slightly at the news of the baby since he thought babies were pretty cute. Messy, annoying at times, and a major anxiety factor, but cute nonetheless. He was also intrigued by the play tryouts since every year Virgil had been asked to help with makeup for the actors/actresses since he's a decent makeup artist.

"Now, since it's Wednesday and everyone's probably tired and wanting this week to be over you'll be doing a sketch book drawing. Sketches, whether complete or incomplete, are due at the end of class. Remember your prompt list is in your binder if you need any inspiration. Mediums allowed are pencil, pen, makers, pastels, charcoal, or chalk. You are also allowed to listen to music. I'll be walking around every now and again to see how y'all are doing, but other than that the time is yours," Mx. Walker said, walking away from the front as the students started drawing, all putting earbuds or headphones in to listen to music while working.

Virgil pulled out his phone with a pretty pastel case on and plugged in his earbuds, listening to his "Working Playlist" while beginning to sketch out his drawing, planning on creating the most precious animal ever; a combination of teddy bear, Pomerania, and holland lop bunny. He finished the drawing, inked it, and colored it before turning it in (he added a cinnamon roll in the picture and made it look as if the little creature had taken a bite and was eating it) having only three minutes left of class once he was done. He started packing up as did everyone else and once the bell rang they started out the door, Virgil heading up the stairs to the world sciences hall to get to AP astronomy.

Who knew he would bump into someone rather special during that class.

For some context, this school and the school system is loosely based on my high school experience. The schedules are loosely based off my old one in high school.
Here are everyone's schedules:

8:00-8:50 a.m. Advanced Placement Art
9:00-9:50 a.m. Advanced Placement Astronomy
10:00- 10:50 a.m. Free period
11:00- 11:50 a.m. Lunch
12:00- 12:50 p.m. Enriched English IIII
1:00- 1:50p.m. Enriched Politics
School's out

8:00-8:50 a.m. Enriched Geology
9:00-9:50 a.m. Advanced Placement Basic Code of Law
10:00- 10:50 a.m. Enriched English IIII
11:00- 11:50 a.m. Lunch
12:00- 12:50 p.m. Italian 3
1:00- 1:50p.m. Algebra II
School's out

8:00-8:50 a.m. German 4
9:00-9:50 a.m. Journalism
10:00- 10:50 a.m. Enriched Geology
11:00- 11:50 a.m. Lunch
12:00- 12:50 p.m. Calculus
1:00- 1:50p.m. The Great Wars
School's out

8:00-8:50 a.m. American Sign Language I
9:00-9:50 a.m. Advanced Placement Astronomy
10:00- 10:50 a.m. Journalism
11:00- 11:50 a.m. Lunch
12:00- 12:50 p.m. Free period
1:00- 1:50p.m. Enriched Politics
School's out

8:00-8:50 a.m. Spanish 4
9:00-9:50 a.m. Theater II
10:00- 10:50 a.m. English IIII
11:00- 11:50 a.m. Lunch
12:00- 12:50 p.m. Algebra II
1:00- 1:50p.m. The Great Wars
School's out

8:00-8:50 a.m. Politics
9:00-9:50 a.m. Journalism
10:00- 10:50 a.m. Physical Science
11:00- 11:50 a.m. Lunch
12:00- 12:50 p.m. Art III
1:00- 1:50p.m. Algebra II
School's out

Virgil's phone case

Virgil's phone case

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