"You're going to buy your daughter items from a thrift store?" Josh chuckled.

"I didn't say I was buying anything." Tyler stepped up the stairs to the door.

"I'm going to laugh if you do-" Tyler hit end call before he could finish, a small laugh escaping his lips at the thought of Josh's reaction.

He just wanted to see if he could find a cheaper version of a certain baby stroller. He quickly tapped on a worker's shoulder, and they turned to him with lifted eyebrows. "Do you have baby strollers? Specifically the..." he paused, taking out a sticky note from his pocket and reading, "LKNJLL baby stroller convertible carriage bassinet to stroller in grey?"

The employee looked at him as if he had two heads. "Excuse me?" They said politely, honestly confused.

"Nevermind, I'll just find it myself." Tyler walked passed them to different sections of the shop.

Jenna had sent him out to search for the stroller she found on Amazon, she said there was an exact replica at Walmart for one hundred dollars cheaper. The stroller was $2,706. So, Tyler being Tyler, decided to check cheaper places first. That resulted in this thrift store he found on Maps.


"I got it, Jenna!" Tyler screamed from the front door as he rolled a stroller, perfectly put together, through the door.

Jenna came wobbling down the stairs, holding her belly from below so it didn't feel like she was about to fall to the ground with her weight. She stared at the stroller for a moment before looking at Tyler, who had a huge smile on his face. "Is this what I told you to get? I wrote it down on that note." She pointed to the yellow note that was crumpled in Tyler's gentle fist.

Tyler's smile vanished, and he shrugged. "I don't know..." he looked at the note again, scanning over the swift easy-to-read handwriting,

" he looked at the note again, scanning over the swift easy-to-read handwriting,

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LKNJLL baby stroller, convertible carriage bassinet to stroller in grey

"it's grey..." He shrugged. Once Jenna didn't answer he continued, "it's a really great heart..." he tried, and that's when Jenna sighed, looking down and shaking her head stressfully.

"Did you even go to Walmart?"

Tyler lifted his eyebrows. "Yes." He tried to make it as believable as possible, but if he was honest, he got bored. He was shopping for the thing and decided to pick up one of the many grey strollers from the thrift store instead. Jenna lifted her eyebrows in a daring look, her face giving off the "don't lie to me," look. Tyler looked down, his two fingers pressing against the top of his nose as an attempt to hide his eyes to maybe disguise his discomfort with her venomous stare. "No, I didn't."

Jenna let out a whine. "Tyler!" He immediately lifted his head, his eyes scanning over the stroller he bought.

"But, look! It's grey, and it was only 10 dollars." He tried to cheer her up, but it seemed to only make her stress worse.

Jenna ran her hand through her hair as she made her way to the couch to sit down and rest her body. "Where did you even get that?"

"The thrift store."

"The thrift store? You bought someone's unwanted crap for our daughter?" Jenna's voice raised a slight bit, but she tried to calm herself down. She knew it was just her hormones going wild. Mood changes were a big part of her pregnancy. "Don't you want our daughter to have nice things?"

Tyler sighed, "yes, I do. But this is an item she's only going to use for what? Four to five years? Why do we need to get her something nice, why not just something comfortable?"

Jenna felt her eyes begin to water, and she felt her throat prepare itself for sobs. She covered her face, not wanting to cry about some silly thing. "Why couldn't you have just gone to Walmart?" She mumbled squeakily into her hand, and Tyler immediately tensed. He didn't mean to make her upset.

Tyler put his arm over her back, his forehead leaning on her shoulder. "I'm sorry." He muttered gently, "I didn't know it meant so much to you. I'll go back to the store-"

"No, I can do it. If you do it, it might not get done correctly." Jenna sighed, wiping her face and lifting herself off the couch. She headed upstairs to get changed into some actual clothes and not just a maternity gown. Tyler was kind of hurt by her comment, but he knew it was mostly the pregnancy talking. Right? She didn't actually think he was a total screw-up.

"I'll drive you." Tyler leaped from the couch towards the keys hanging by the door.

"Fine, but we're going to Walmart!" Jenna said sternly, slowly making her way up the stairs.

As Jenna made her way down the steps of the staircase, she saw Tyler waiting for her with a small smile. "Is it okay?" He asked, their small inside apology was still apart of their relationship anytime they either had a fight, or told each other secrets they were scared to tell.

Jenna smiled tiredly, kissing his cheek. "It's okay."

And they were off to Walmart.


I had my mom tell me stories about when she was pregnant and she said she was VERY moody when she was pregnant with me. She says she thinks it was because I was a girl, because she wasn't so moody and emotional with my brother. So, Jenna is going to be extra moody.

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