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Jayda's POV

I woke up the next morning in Sweet Pea's bed, to the sound of my phone ringing. I sat up in the bed, and answered the phone without checking the caller ID.

"Hello." I answer with.

"Jayda, where the hell were you?!" Jughead asks, annoyed.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, crawling out of the bed and standing in the room.

"The welcome home party, for Archie?" Jughead prompts. My eyes go wide when I remember.

"I'm sorry, I totally forgot." I say. "Sweet Pea and I were busy studying, and we crashed at like midnight."

"Yeah, I definitely don't believe that, and I don't wanna know anything about what you did last night." Jughead says, making me laugh at him.

"Please, you do realise that the walls aren't that thin, right?" I ask him. "You remember when Dad was working late, and Betty came over..."

"Let's not talk about this ever again." Jughead sighs. 

"Okay. I'll see you at school, okay?" I respond.

"Okay. Bye." He says, and hangs up the phone. I put my phone back on the nightstand, and glance back at my sleeping boyfriend.

I hear him stir, and watch as he feels around the empty space next to him in the bed. He opens his eyes at looks over to me.

"Come back." He pouts. I laugh at him before I climb back into the bed. He puts his arm around me and pulls me into his chest.

"We do have to get to school soon." I remind him.

"Who cares? This is much better than school." He says, and soon falls asleep again.


That night, I was in Fox Forest with Jughead, Sweet Pea and Dad. This was where Fangs was meeting with the Gargoyles and The Gargoyle King.

We stood in the bushes, and watched as Fangs pulled his mask on and walk into the circle.

Dad and I walked up behind two of the Gargoyles that were on watch, and knocked them both out with knocks to the back of their heads.

"Now!" I yell, as I see that they're about brand Fangs. All the Serpents run in, yelling.

"It's the Serpents. Scatter." One of the Gargoyles commands. The Gargoyles start running away, but the Gargoyle King stays in his spot, knowing he was going to be unmasked.

"Sweet Pea, grab Fangs!"  I yell out to him. Jughead was in front of the Gargoyle King, and he kicked his knee, making him fall.

I stepped in front of the Gargoyle King, and everyone watched as I pulled the mask off of him. He looked up, revealing a familiar face we didn't expect to see.

"Tall Boy?" Dad questions.

"What the hell?!" I mutter to myself, then speak up. "Guys, get him in the bunker."

Soon, we were standing in Dilton Doiley's bunker, in front of Tall Boy, who was now tied in a chair.

Dad punched him in the face, and stepped back.

"We all thought you were dead, Tall Boy. Where have you been hiding?" Dad asks. Tall Boy spat blood onto the floor, and then looked up at us.

"A small town called Athens." He answers. I recognise that name. From the farm, when I was on the run with Jughead and Archie. The town Jughead and I explored.

"Gotta say, it's good to be back." Tall Boy continues. "Alice Cooper, she was looking extra sweet the night me and my boys and scared the crap out of her and her bitch daughter. That was f--"

He was cut off by Jughead stepping forward and punching him around the face, then he shook out his hand. Tall Boy didn't really react, he just started laughing.

"All right. Let's cut to the chase." I say, approaching the tied up man. "We know you're working for Hiram. You've been dressing up in that little costume, like his mascot. So, now you, are going to help us take him down."

"You know what else was fun?" Tall Boy asks. "Carving that symbol into Joaquin's forehead after I killed him."

I immediately punched him in the face, as Sweet Pea and Fangs yelled. Dad held the two back, and I continued to punch Tall Boy until Jughead pried me away from him.

"What do you think, Tall Boy, huh?" Jughead asks, as he struggles holding me back. "Should I let them tear you limb from limb? Or are you going to help us get to Hiram? I know you have access to him."

I stopped squirming in his arms, so Jughead loosened his grip on me, but still holding onto me.

"The Man in Black would never agree to meet with me. Not unless I have something that he really wants." Tall Boy explains.

"Archie." I say, looking over at Dad. "We need Archie." Dad nods. Jughead completely lets go of me, and I step closer to Tall Boy.

"If you don't help us, I will not hesitate to kill you, right here, right now. So I suggest that you do, I really don't think you wanna be 6 feet under." I threaten, then walk past him and up the ladder.


Jughead and I went to get Archie, and luckily, he was in his room when we got there.

"Jug, Jay, I don't know if I can handle any more quizzing." Archie says, walking over to us.

"That's not why we're here." I tell him. "We need your help, Archie."

"The Gargoyle King is Tall Boy. We have him locked down in the bunker." Jughead explains.

"Tall Boy's alive?" Archie questions, shaking his head.

"Yeah, he's been hiding in Athens." I point out. Archie sighs.

"This is our shot. To finally smoke out Hiram Lodge." Jughead says. "But we're going to need bait to lure the Man in Black out of the shadows. I'm betting, the thing he still wants the most, is you."

"Save your breath, Jug." Archie says. "You don't have to convince me to take down Hiram Lodge. I'm in."

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